What is the connection between Dandruff and Hair Loss - How to prevent the problem?
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What is the connection between Dandruff and Hair Loss – How to prevent the problem?

What is the connection between Dandruff and Hair Loss - How to prevent the problem?


Dandruff is a scalp problem due to which white flakes and itching on the scalp occurs. The problem can negatively impact a person’s life.  When the problem becomes excess it can lead to hair loss and thinning of hairs. The hair follicles get damaged due to dandruff in the scalp. In this case, the hair transplant can also save your hairs.

One of another condition is Seborrheic dermatitis which is often mistaken for dandruff. This problem is more severe and it can occur anywhere on the body.

Symptoms of dandruff

  • The scalp starts hurting and you will feel a burning sensation.
  • You will notice rashes on the scalp.
  • On the scalp and shoulders, white flakes are found.
  • If the problem is extreme then there will be red patches on the scalp.

How both the problems are linked?

The hair loss is not directly related to the condition of dandruff.  This will damage the hairs and the problem will be more if the patient is already suffering from the problem of hair loss.

How to prevent the problem of hair fall caused due to dandruff?

  • Medicated Shampoo

Dandruff can create a fungal infection. Those who are suffering the problem have to use a medicated shampoo in there hair care routine. The shampoo can be prescribed by the doctor or you can find the best one from the market. For first weeks, you have to use the shampoo when you wash your hairs. The doctor will recommend you how much amount you have to apply on the hairs or according to the instructions mentioned on the product. Once it is under control, you can use it once in a week or 1 time in a month.

  • Moisturize your Scalp

When you suffer from dandruff, you use shampoo to get rid of it and this will reduce the natural oils from the scalp very fast. You have to moisturize your scalp to bring back the oil back. This will keep them healthy and it will help the hairs to grow fast also. You can use coconut oil or jojoba oil for moisturizing the scalp. It would be even best if you use drying ingredient in the treatment such as salicylic acid.

  • Sunlight

A little bit of sunlight can help to keep your dandruff under control. Standing in the sun for a few minutes can benefit you in a great way. Make sure to apply sunscreen on the face and body to avoid any sunburn.

Before starting any treatment make sure to consult the doctor to get a diagnose of the treatment. This will also tell you how much treatment is required and if the problem is in excess then he will recommend you what should be done.