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What is Gynecomastia Type 3? Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

What is Gynecomastia Type ? Causes, Symptoms and Treatment


Male breast tissue expansion is referred to as Gynecomastia. It can cause disappointment and anxiety in individuals who have it. Although most people are familiar with the basic concept of gynecomastia, Type 3 is a distinct category that needs knowledge and consideration.  If you or someone else is looking for  Gynecomastia Surgery in Ichchapuram, you can visit VJ’s Cosmetic Surgery and Hair Transplantation Centre.

Gynecomastia Type 3 

A man with type 3 this condition has a dangerous condition in which his chest sags excessively. It can be caused by hormone imbalance, specific medicine, or illness when you discuss it with your experts. They suggest a surgical process that helps to give you masculine-toned breasts. 


Hormone imbalance 

This condition guys suffer when they are facing changing hormones, especially puberty and aging. Low hormones, or hypogonadism, is one disorder that could be implicated when they use medication treatment. 


Being overweight is the main reason for facing this condition. Excess fat then converts testosterone into estrogen. 

Some medication treatment 

taking some drugs like steroids can lead to the condition type 3. Most individuals take this product to grow their muscles. 

Health condition 

Illness affecting the liver, kidneys or endocrine system. In that condition guys may suffer from this condition. 

Aging process 

Sometimes, this condition can be the cause of aging; when a man grows older skin gets saggy. Some others like lack of activities and poor diet choices. 


Marked breast enlargement 

Breast size increases significantly in those with type 3 gynecomastia. It is often to an abnormal degree. 

Sagging and skin stretching

The chest’s shape is altered as a result of the skin stretching from the overexpansion and the breast tissue drooping. 

Feminine looks

One’s self-worth would suffer, and there would be distress as the breasts would become more obviously feminine. 

Emotional distress  

Feeling of disappointment or self consciousness over their changing body image may influence people’s general health. 

Psychological impact 

Gynecomastia type 3 can affect a person’s internal feelings and physical look. Imagine feeling self-conscious about the way your chest appears, perhaps even a little depressed or anxious. That is the effect on the mind. You can get bashful or uneasy around the people as a result. It is necessary to consult these emotions, seek out help and understand that it is acceptable to feel this method. When managing this condition, taking care of your emotions is just as crucial as taking care of your physical health.  

Diagnostic process 

Clinic examination 

When you suffer from this condition or if you suspect that you have this condition, visit a reputable clinic or get checkups. Experts help to diagnose and let you confirm that. Early detection helps to provide an effective treatment for your conditions. 

Hormonal evaluation 

Experts take blood samples to measure hormone levels. This test concerns testosterone and estrogen. It helps to know about hormonal imbalances in this condition. 

Imaging studies 

In certain cases, an ultrasound or mammography may be recommended in order to evaluate the breast tissue and rule out other potential issues. 

Medical history 

Getting complete medical records and a medical record helps to know the experts on which medicine you prescribe so that they understand what medicine is causing this condition. This record has also included your hormone imbalance.

Treatment option 

Healthy changes 

Implementing adjustments, such as reducing the amount of trigger foods you eat and losing weight.

Medicine adjustments 

Hormonal regulations can occasionally result from altering or quitting a medication. 


Surgical techniques such as liposuction or other surgical procedures may be explored to reduce breast size and restore a more masculine chest contour. Gynecomastia Type 3 means a guy’s chest grows too much. And it can mess with his head. Seeing a doctor, figuring out what’s causing it. When you know about the condition you can get the treatment for your condition. If you are concerned about Gynecomastia Surgery Cost in Ichchapuram, you can visit VJ’s Cosmetic Surgery and Hair Transplantation Centre and get knowledge about surgery procedures and costs. We offer reliable treatment for every patient who suffers from this condition.