Hair loss: What are the different types of hair loss (Alopecia) and How to identify the problem?
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Hair loss: What are the different types of hair loss (Alopecia) and How to identify the problem?


Every day we all lose some hairs which are very common. On daily basis, the person will notice 50 to 100 strands of hair. The hair cycle contains different phases such as growing, resting, falling out and regrowth of hair.  However, in some conditions, the problem is related to different factors such as hereditary, eating habits, lifestyle factors, and the use of steroids.

Type of hair loss (Alopecia)

  • Involutional Alopecia

This condition is natural in which a person’s hair will become thin with age. The hairs will go into the resting phase more and more. Due to this, other hairs become short and the number of hairs also decreases.

  • Alopecia Areata

This condition is more prominent in children and young adults. In this, the person will notice patchy hair loss which happens suddenly. Sometimes, this might result in complete baldness. However, 90% of the time hairs grow back within a few years.

  • Ophiasis

This is referred to as one of the types of Alopecia areata. In this, the hair loss happens in a wave-like shape which surrounds the hair.

  • Androgenic Alopecia

This is a genetic condition in which both men and women are affected. The condition in men is referred to as male pattern baldness. The problem gets triggered in early age and the problem is characterized by receding hairline and hairs start disappearing from the crown and front scalp. For women, this condition is referred to as female pattern baldness and they notice this issue in their 40’s. The women start losing the hairs over the entire scalp.

  • Trichotillomania

This type of hair loss is mostly seen in children. This is a psychological disorder which urges the person to pull out the hairs and they cannot stop themselves.

  • Alopecia Universalis

This type of hair loss occurs on all the body parts which include the eyebrows, eyelashes, and pubic hair.

  • Scarring Alopecias

This condition results in permanent hair loss. Some types of inflammatory skin conditions such as cellulitis, acne, and folliculitis and other skin disorders such as lupus and lichen planus can affect the situation. These problems often result in a scar and due to this, the hairs lose their ability to grow back. Some other things such as tying your hair too tightly and use of hot combs can also result in permanent hair loss.

  • Telogen effluvium

This condition results in temporary thinning of hairs over the scalp because of the change in the hair growth cycle. More hairs enter the resting phase which results in shedding of hairs and gradual thinning of hairs.

  • Anagen Effluvium

This happens due to continuous medical treatment such as chemotherapy. The medications shut down the growth of hair follicles. After the treatment of chemotherapy, the hair grows back.

How to treat the problem?

The problem of hair loss can be treated with the help of a hair transplant. During the surgery, the hair follicles are taken from the back of the scalp and then they are transplanted where the hair growth is very less. Other than this, you have to eat a balanced diet and follow the doctor advise properly.