Plastic Surgeon in Vizag, India | Plastic Surgery in Andhra Pradesh
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Plastic Surgery


Plastic Surgeon in Vizag | Plastic Surgery in Andhra Pradesh

Medical science elevation is nothing less than a stroke of luck in an individual’s life. No doubt, the approach of plastic surgery comes as reconstructive Surgery. The patients can restore the normal appearance and functioning of the specific body part. Irrespective of the patient’s age, the plastic age offers seamless benefits to everyone and anyone. What you all need is the assistance of the plastic surgeon in Vizag; you provide an inventive and updated treatment plan.

Every plastic surgeon has a specialized area to address a specific health concern. Some plastic surgeons also get additional training and Surgery to perform cosmetic treatments to enhance the patient’s appearance & overall aesthetics.

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    What does plastic surgery include?

    Plastic Surgery includes two essential procedures

    Reconstructive Plastic Surgery

    Reconstructive plastic surgery includes correcting the abnormal structures present in the body. The abnormality can be due to the reason of following factors:

    • Trauma
    • Infection
    • Disease
    • Tumors
    • Developmental abnormalities
    • Congenital anomalies

    Depending on the requirement, the procedure helps correct the specific issue and helps with improving aesthetics too.

    Cosmetic procedure

    Our surgeon offers cosmetic treatment to the patients looking to repair or correct the present structure in the body. Please discuss with our medical expert in Vizag to help you analyze the adequate treatment plan.

    What treatment options are performed by a plastic surgeon?

    There are several areas in which the plastic surgeon has expertise. Depending on which plastic surgery option in Vizag the patient wants to seek, the doctor will plan the treatment accordingly. The different areas where the plastic surgeon has the expertise to give ultimate care:

    Change in breast appearance

    The plastics surgeons have the expertise to transform the breast appearance depending on women's needs. Be it reduction or rebuild, the plastic surgeon can do both.

    General Reconstructive Surgery

    Wound healing, scar repair, and scar revision - The plastic surgeon has the expertise to work on everything.

    Change in Aesthetics

    The plastic surgeon understands the advanced and innovative treatment options available in plastic Surgery. Depending on your personal need, the plastic surgeon in Vizag customize the treatment plan.

    Craniofacial Surgery

    Craniofacial Surgery includes correcting the face, ears, skull, nose, and mouth deformities. Our plastic surgeon has done training to perform cleft palate surgery in Vizag through a safe and effective approach.

    How does a plastic surgeon give a treatment plan?

    Be it repair or reconstruction; the plastic surgeon checks what your specific concern is. The plastic surgeon overlooks nothing as it plays a crucial part in increasing the success rate and patient satisfaction. Here are the given steps through which the plastic surgeon analyzes what kind of treatment plan do you need:

    Initial consultation

    At first, the initial consultation is done to analyze your condition. Moreover, it gives you time to discuss with the doctor the situation and treatment plan

    Customizing treatment plan

    Once the initial evaluation gets done, it helps to analyze what further steps you should take. Our team will give you an all-personalized treatment plan to ensure the final results you have been satisfactory.

    Monitor your overall well-being

    Our plastic surgeon will check your entire well-being to ensure you are ready to get the Surgery.

    Aftercare approach

    Our team knows the responsibility when a patient puts trust in us. So, a customized plan begins from the initial consultation to the end of the Surgery and even afterward.

    What are the benefits of Plastic Surgery?

    As mentioned above, plastic Surgery categorization includes two parts:

    No matter which path you wish to take, the main goal is to improve the patient’s appearance. Our team’s careful analysis helps the patient have the treatment plan made effectively for themselves. Some of the benefits that aid you in going down the path of plastic surgical approach in Vizag are:

    Reason 1: Brings back your lost self-confidence
    When you feel good about yourself, it shows on your face. The necessary change that plastic Surgery brings in you is what you need in your life. You will feel more open to doing different things and going out with your loved ones. The way it takes away your discomfort and stress cannot be done by any other approach.

    Reason 2: Works as a body contour procedure
    That lost confidence gets back when your body contour makes you feel comfortable. When you plan to reshape or rebuild both ways, you will feel confident with the results. Our team is here to help you make an informed decision.

    Reason 3: Makes your mental health better
    Not just physical appearance but even mental health gets improved through plastic surgery treatment in Vizag. As you are more willing to do different things, it helps your mental health get one step ahead of everything else.

    Reason 4: Open the door of opportunities
    Your confidence will see a considerable spike when you believe that you can do everything. And you will give your best in all possible ways.

    How much is the cost of plastic surgery in India?

    On average, the procedure starts from Rs 50,000. As mentioned, it’s just an average figure to help you understand the amount factor. The cost can be less or more depending on what you want to get corrected. So, for the exact amount consult the plastic surgeon. The surgeon will analyze the different factors like:


    • Type of procedure
    • Number of procedures to perform
    • Doctor’s expertise and skills
    • Overall health
    • And much more!

    Book your appointment

    Schedule your initial consultation at Dr. VJ’s Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplant Center to seek all necessary information to determine the right course of a treatment plan for you.

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