What are the top things you need to know about hair transplantation?
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What are the top things you need to know about hair transplantation?

What are the top things you need to know about hair transplantation?


Someone has rightly said, ‘Sharing is Caring’. If you are planning to undergo hair transplant surgery, then you must be wondering the top things which you need to know about the surgery. This procedure has gained a lot of popularity in the last few years to deal with hair loss problems. You cannot overlook the fact that the surgery gives natural and permanent results which is not possible with any other treatment.

Are your expectations realistic?

This is not a common thing that comes in the patient’s mind. They are focused on seeing the images on the website and how good the results look online. The trust is, there is a limit to what the results can be accomplished. For the effective results, the donor supply matters a lot and this helps the result to get better.

If the patient donor area is proper then it allows the surgeon to get the hair grafts without any issues. During the consultation, the surgeon will check the number of grafts required and accordingly let you know what treatment plan you need to get.

Your surgeon will decide depending on the hair grafts what kind of cosmetic improvement is required. Also, every patient is different so the results will vary accordingly. The best hair surgeon will always evaluate everything and then make the treatment plan.

How long does it take to get back to a normal working routine?

Well, there is no specific answer to how much time it will take. It can depend on what type of work you do, it means if your work needs effort then you need to wait for longer to get back to the normal routine.

Fortunately, FUE and FUT have evolved a lot that helps the patient to get back to the normal routine on time. IT means the downtime is minimized. Additionally, you need to wait for enough to let your scalp heal and the swelling should reduce. Make sure you have enough time to recover and consult the surgeon before you make any changes in your daily routine.

How many surgeries do you need?

This question is often unasked as the patient assumes they have one surgery for a lifetime. In most cases, this is true. The hair loss is a progressive issue and once you start losing hair, it can be difficult to stop. It is important to consult the doctor and he can tell you about your condition and what suits you the best. To make an informed decision and understand how many surgical procedures will allow you to see the results you need to consult the best hair restoration surgeon.

Is it important to meet the doctor before the surgery?

Before the surgery, the initial consultation is extremely important. During this visit, you can clear all your doubts and ask if you have any concerns.