Different factors which affect the cost of hair transplant treatment
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Different factors which affect the cost of hair transplant treatment


VisakhapatnamHair loss is one of the common problems faced by people all over the world. In that case, the option of hair transplant is the best treatment option which helps in addressing the problem in the right way.

Causes of hair Loss 

  • Physical or Emotional Stress
  • Genetic hair loss
  • Smoking or alcohol addiction
  • Pattern Baldness
  • Chemotherapy treatment
  • Bad Nutrition or Improper Diet
  • Scalp Infections
  • Intake of Vitamin A in excess
  • Vitamin B Deficiency
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Unhealthy lifestyle factors
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Use of birth control pills by women
  • Aging hair loss


Factors which Influence Hair Transplant Cost In Visakhapatnam

While planning for the surgery the factor of cost always comes in the patient’s mind. Well, there are different factors which influence the cost and we have mentioned them:

  • Baldness Level

The overall cost of the surgery is dependent on the level of baldness. There are 7 levels and they are mentioned in the Norwood Classification. You can refer to it and make sure to talk with your doctor for the right information.

  • Total Graft Requirement

The graft requirement is between Rs 20 to 100. with a high level of baldness, the graft number will increase to cover the bald area. So, graft requirement is dependent on baldness grade, desired density to cover the bald area, and donor hair features.

  • Hair Restoration Technique

Well, there are 2 major methods FUE and FUT. In FUE, the hair follicles are taken from the scalp back and then transplanted where hair growth is very less. With FUT, a strip of hair is taken from the donor area and then transplanted to a problematic area. Depending on your case the cost will vary in both methods.

  • Total Session needed

In most cases, the surgery is performed in one session and it takes 4 to 8 hours. With the high requirement of grafts means baldness level is large. In one session around 3000 to 4000 grafts are implanted. In some cases more than that are needed so might be one more session is needed. Consult your doctor to have a better understanding of what will be done.

  • Clinic Location

The location of the clinic will make a huge difference. In various parts of the world, the cost is different. Although in India the cost of hair transplantation is affordable as compared to other places.

  • Clinic Reputation

Apart from the location the clinic reputation also makes a lot of difference. When the clinic is more reputed and popular the cost will vary from others. No doubt, the clinic provides excellent service to their patients and makes sure they can get the desired results.

  • Available Donor grafts

In case the patient, do not have enough grafts on the back of the scalp then the hair will be extracted from the different body parts like chest and beard.