8 Facts you should know about breast surgery.
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8 Crucial Facts about breast surgery that every patient should know.

8 Crucial Facts about breast surgery that every patient should know


One patient of ours whose name we can’t reveal due to our security and confidentiality policy approached us for taking up the Breast reduction surgery in Vizag. We assured her that we shall help her in bringing about the desired results. She trusted us and eventually she thanked us because before beginning the procedure, we deliberated with her to know what she was expecting from the procedure and we found out that her expectations are not realistic. We made her aware of the important facts that she must know.  We assured her that no matter how effective the results will be, but she will feel a boost in her confidence. When she visited us back after her recovery, she praised us for bringing about what we have assured her of.  Although it is said that breast reduction surgery does not take time but still if the individual wants to get the best results then the result is very important and it is advised to take some days off from what you are doing. We made her aware of the importance of the rest in the recovery period. She understood it and applied for the one week leave and she was granted that too since she has applied for it earlier.  If you have such large breasts and you are willing to get their size reduced to the size of the breasts that the teenager has. Your expectations are not realistic. So we always make our patients aware beforehand so that they may not get disappointed after the surgery and that stress or disappointment factor causes a significant negative impact on the recovery.  The lifting of the breasts is very important since it is the one characteristic of the female body that makes her look appealing. The saggy and loose breasts often disturb the overall look of the individual.  There will be scarring around the nipples after the procedure. But do not worry since the scarring is not long-lasting and has the potential to get faded away with time.  In the rarest cases, the woman feels discomfort during breastfeeding. But to be very honest, none of our patients has ever approached complaining to us of the pain that is occurring owing to breastfeeding.  The nipples may feel decreased in sensational aspects as long as you are in the recovery period. No sooner your rehabilitation period will be over than the nipples can get back with their sensations again.  We told our patients in the beginning since our body takes a little bit of time to get adapted to the new change. So it may take up to a week or two for her body to get adapted to the reduced size of the breasts.  Takeaway Some so many patients are not usually made aware of the above-mentioned factors by their dermatologist which is a necessity. 

8 crucial Tips for the successful survival of the transplanted hair grafts.


Since we know the indispensability to follow the precautionary measures before the hair transplant procedures, we should also be acquainted with the measures that one should take care of after the hair transplant procedure is performed. The more we remain conscious about the post-surgical precautions and the preventions, the more we shall be able to contribute to the success rate of the Best hair transplant in Vizag. So in this article, we shall be discussing some of the precautions or preventions which you should do after you take up the hair transplant procedure.  It is advised not to take up any measure until and unless instructed by the doctor. You should wait for the doctor’s green signal for washing your scalp, getting your hair oiled and dressed with combs. If you carry out any of the mentioned activities before the period, then you are sure to cause harm to the grafts.  The importance of nutrition becomes more intensified when the procedure of the hair transplant is successfully done and the outcomes are dependent on the recovery period. Because the hair grafts are struggling to survive in the recipient zone and nutrients can help them to flourish nicely in that zone.  Stress in any form is never conducive to the recovery period whether it is related to any ailment or even cosmetic surgery. 50% of the results are accomplished when you are keeping up with the high spirits and the cheerfulness.  Scabs are the occurrences that are obvious after the procedure. But you need to be quintessentially conscious that you are not picking them up or touching them again and again. After the required period, these will get off from your scalp on their own. If at the time when these are struggling to get off on their own, you are getting irritated. Then you can put your head in the bathtub which should be filled with lukewarm water. And as an alternative for that, you can gently and tenderly massage your scalp with coconut oil.  Have you ever heard of me-time? Then it is quintessentially important when you are in the recovery period. Because the more you will feel relaxed, the more good outcomes will be encountered.  This should not be forever goodbye. Rather it should be avoided only when you are in the recovery phase.  It is advised not to sleep flat. Rather keeping a pillow under your head can help the blood to flow in the scalp normally and without any hindrance which is a necessary condition for the survival of the hair grafts.  The wine and alcohol should be avoided as these are the ones that are known for obstructing the flow of blood to the scalp.  Takeaway If the individual will follow the above-mentioned measures after the hair transplant, then chances are high that the hair transplant will come up with successful survival.

Hair transplant – Cost, recovery period and alternatives to the treatment 


There are a large number of products that claim to bring about effective results as far as the volume and density of the hair is concerned. No doubt, some of them have made a quintessential mark in presenting with the best results, while others still have been considered as fraud products. But what if any procedure like the hair transplant in Vizag is taken into account? No doubt, there are some 2% unsuccessful rates attached to the procedure, but a little knowledge is always a dangerous thing. That 2 % unsuccessful results only come into existence whenever the patient who has undergone the hair transplantation procedure is not following the necessary precautions.  The cost of the treatment depends upon the subsequent factors: When it is about the recovery, then the patient is under compulsion to follow the precautionary and preventive measures like the ensuing: Following are the alternatives to the hair transplantation procedure, in case the individual finds the restoration procedure out of his affordable range.  Rogaine is also known as minoxidil. The predominant benefit of this treatment option is that these tablets can be bought from any medical store without the need to show the prescription slip from a doctor. Propecia tablets which are commonly renowned by the name of the finasteride tablets are accountable for making both genders get rid of the baldness patterns. But it is relevant to mention here that it will only show results if these are continuously used for a period of three to seven months.  Whenever any of the genders is suffering from the below-mentioned problems, then low-level laser therapy is the best options: Fragile nature of the hair Shedding of hair in significant numbers By triggering the cellular and hormonal activity, an effort is induced to bring about the: Takeaway As we all know that everybody has an obsession with ones’ hair to some extent, so how can one afford to lose the hair forever. Recognizing this fact, we promise to provide the guaranteed results with our hair restoration procedures. For that, please book a consultation with our reputed doctors.

RHINOPLASTY – Mechanism, Advantages, Eligibility criteria and the Cost


We all want to have precise facial features whether it is the chubbiness of the cheeks or it is the shape of the nose. Girls are particularly more concerned about nose shaping. Therefore, we have contributed to bringing out the rhinoplasty in Vizag also. Now you do not have to go far beyond the boundaries of your state to get your nose in shape. The rhinoplasty cost in vizag will thoroughly depend on: The cosmetic surgery which aims at rectifying the shape and sundry malproportions and distortions of the nose is known as rhinoplasty.  First of all the patient is made numb by injecting him with anaesthesia. Afterwards, the surgeon is supposed to correct the nose by making incisions over and beyond the columella.  During the procedure, the predominant focus of the surgeon is to focus on close monitoring and redefinition of the features as per the specification of the patients. To make the nose adapt to the redefinition either synthetic implants or nasal cartilage is stationed inside the nose.  The patients want to take up the procedure because its results are permanent as it aims at correcting the: To undergo rhinoplasty, the following functional causes are also accounted for: Which precautionary measures must be followed before taking up the rhinoplasty surgery? There is an age bar that the female should be older than 15 years and the male should be 17 years old or more.  Subsequent features are sure to be experienced: Takeaway The patient who has undergone the rhinoplasty surgery should take care of the precautionary measure in the recovery period like not engaging in activities that could make them sneeze or exert pressure on the nose. It is also advised not to sleep by keeping your head elevated. If you have any further query please give us a chance to seek your query.

Blepharoplasty: What to Know About This Eyelid Procedure


Eyes are those crucial parts of the body that enhance facial appearances. Probably because of this reason, there has been the rise of the eye-makeup business. For girls, this feature becomes even more extensive, therefore they keep on experimenting with artificial things like superficial eyelashes. But have you ever thought that how influential an impact it will create on your appearance if the enhanced structural organisation of eyes remains forever with you? Yes!! It is possible. Blepharoplasty Surgery is a surgical procedure that has been introduced in the Dr VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre to give a pleasant look to your appearance.  Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that aims at terminating the uncurbed skin from the eyelids. The predominant focus of Dr VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre in carrying out blepharoplasty is to allay the bagginess from the eyelids particularly from the lower part. This is also known as eye rift.  Ensuing reasons are the ones for which people approach us at Dr VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre for taking up the blepharoplasty: As we all know, how quintessential are the looks for the youth? On account of this, they want to take up a procedure that does not tamper with the natural appearance but organises it in the right way. No doubt, there are so many cosmetic surgery centres available but we would like to serve you because we have a team of proficient surgeons who have set a record of 100% success and contentment with the surgeries carried out.  Age-related body changes are sure to be encountered with anyone. One change among them is the problem to see properly owing to the bulging skin that covers the lens externally.  Dr VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre offers surgery for old aged people at very economical rates.  Blepharoplasty is an efficacious procedure as far as the bulging of the eyes is concerned. But if you are expecting it to help you to get rid of the following, then we won’t be giving you any false hopes: But it is relevant to mention here that no doubt, the blepharoplasty does not aim at correcting dark circles and all, but if you take up the alternative of combining the blepharoplasty with one of the following, then the expert surgeons of Dr VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre aim at carrying out the whole enhancement of the eye and the adjoining areas: We all know that our skin possesses elasticity. This elasticity remains in very condition as long as the shadow of youth is saving you from the adverse effects but no sooner you approach old age than you will encounter the loss of elasticity in the skin. How can we ignore the role of gravity? The constant pull of the gravitational forces results in the bulging of the skin of the eyes.  The individual who is 35 years of age and is not oppressed with any kind of medical condition is considered an ideal candidate for the surgical procedure.  It will hardly take 2 hours and that particularly if you are undergoing the correction procedure of both the upper and lower eyelids.  At Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre we take care of our patients until they are not comfortable with the correction procedure. If you are also looking for the center that carry out the eye correction techniques with utmost preciseness and perfection, then please consult us. 

Safe and Effective Botox Procedure


Wrinkles are the unwelcomed and uninvited guests that nobody likes to attend. Earlier there were no possible treatment options that could help the individual to get rid of the wrinkles that do contribute highly to spoiling the appearance of the individual. Nevertheless Dr VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre, has brought about the Botox procedure which focuses on curing the fine lines along with the wrinkles with the safest and efficacious procedure. Our expert physicians always aim at carrying out the surgical procedure without any risk & complications. On account of this, we have thoroughly trained them to determine whether the individual is fit for taking up the botox treatment following his or her health. We find it suitable to mention here that all our physicians, dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons are proficient with the necessary skills and qualifications and they do possess advanced knowledge of the procedure, therefore they do not neglect any aspect of the procedure to make it successful.  Our surgeons will perform the following things before commencing the procedure: Important tip  Stop taking any medicine that performs the function of thinning the blood like aspirin.  The adept cosmetic surgeons of Dr VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre put their 100% efforts in making the look of the following appealing: Earlier the use of the botox as limited to treating only the fine lines and crow’s feet, nevertheless it has received an accomplishment to treat the subsequent medical problems as well and is approved by the FDA: The efficacious results of the botox are achieved by interrupting the signals passed to nerves and obstructing the process of muscle contractions. The emergence of the surrounding area of the eyes and particularly in the middle are carried off by fending off the generation of the new lines.  The prominent cause of the popularity behind the success and recognition of the botox procedure is that the skilled cosmetic surgeons of Dr VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre bring off the results by implementing minimally invasive techniques. Besides, the potential reader will feel the intensity of the modicum nature of the invasiveness with the fact that the stratagem is executed by keeping the patient in sense, this means that no anaesthesia is used.  The proficiency of our cosmetic surgeons let them complete the modus-operandi within 10 minutes because they have years of experience to inject the injections in the focused area. These injections are filled with ‘Botulinum toxin type A’. They paralyze the muscles to ward them off from coming to existence in the form of fine lines & the much-hated crow’s feet.  We would like to bring in your conscience that there is no advent of any such treatment that could help with the permanent paralysis of the muscles. Thus the effect of the botox is supposed to last for four months only. If you want to take up botox treatment at economical rates, then we would ensure that none clinic other than Dr VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre will offer you the best results and that too at the cheapest price. So book your consultation with us right away.

7 stages of the hair loss in males & the intensity and treatment.


As we all know, baldness is something which nobody wants to accept and the people who are suffering from it want to get rid of it as soon as possible. There are many patterns of male baldness which are stages to the ultimate hair loss and complete baldness detected for which variegated procedures of hair transplant in Vizag is achieving successful survival of the hair follicles. So in this article we shall discuss spoke of the patterns of baldness and their treatment: Stage 1 is associated with mild hair loss, particularly in the temples. But when this stage of baldness comes up, there are no noticeable effects because the magnitude of the hair loss is considerably low. There are many causes of this stage to come about. Some causes may be genetic and others may be age-related factors. It is usually suggested that whenever a person detects that he is going through the first stage of baldness, then he should start taking home remedies to check the aggravation of this problem.  This stage is associated with the thinning of the hair and the emergence of a hairline that has an appearance like that of the M-shape. In this stage, the hair particularly in the temples slings with the forehead commence getting thin. This is customarily termed as ‘Front Baldness’. This is customarily brought about by the thinning specifically at the crown among the males. When this stage of baldness occurs, then your forehead gets an emergence of widened and the hair loss at temples becomes quite much noticeable.  In this stage of baldness, the balding becomes even more noticeable. The balding appears in the pattern of the following shapes: It is a scientific fact that baldness comes about when the DHT Levels in the body rises. So to prevent the aggravation of the DHT Levels, DHT blockers are used. Customarily the doctors suggest the use of those shampoos which are rich in the following: This stage brings about the patches of immense baldness particularly at the back of your head. Besides. The hair present around the crown is supposed to thin out. In this stage, it is usually suggested to use Finasteride which is a chemical that is found in DHT This stage can be defined as the emergence of patterns of baldness in the shape of the horseshoe. If you have found yourself at this stage, then it is an indication that your hairline is receded significantly.  But when the individual has arrived at this stage, it customarily becomes difficult to treat hair loss. This stage experiences an extreme loss of hair loss patches which are quite noticeable. Final Thoughts When you detect the signs of baldness, then at the first stage you should consult with a doctor. Otherwise when stage 7 will occur, then you have to undergo the hair transplantation procedure.

Enhancing Hair Growth with Bio FUE


Bio Follicular Unit extraction is considered as the progressive and super version of the follicular unit extraction. The advanced procedure of Bio FUE aims at bringing about the ameliorated & natural hair growth. The preliminary aim of the advanced technology is to strength fully charge the results of the Follicular unit extraction. This supercharge feature can be brought about by the cell-oriented growth of the hair follicles in the surgical process. Bio FUE Hair transplant in Vizag is carried out by following the exact steps of the follicular unit extraction with little modifications because of which is known as the advanced procedure. Bonus point of using Bio FUE Hair transplant The main advantage of using the Bio FUE hair transplant is that it does not solely focus on implanting the hair in the recipient area. It rather focuses on triggering healthy growth in the dead hair follicles. The revitalisation effect is everlasting. Mechanism of this stratagem Step 1: The patient is undergoing some blood testing. For this, a sample of his blood is taken.  Step 2: The blood is stored in a centrifuge. Step 3: Infused regenerative cells from the blood are eliminated so that they can be transported to the recipient zone. Step 4: The regenerative cells are transfused in the bald area.  As this process causes a certain transformation in the blood so the patient is evident to encounter a little postoperative pain and light scarring. But after the patient has attended the post-surgery sessions, not only the scar will fade away but the patient will experience healthy and natural growth of hair & allayed pain.  Benefits of taking up the advanced procedure The growth of the hair will be characterised by high density and volume. As discussed, the nature of the procedure may induce some scarring. But that scarring is in the form of needle’s tip-sized dots and are so light that after some time, they will fade away. Because of the advanced nature of the procedure, this modus operandi is considered the most convenient option because the patients can get back to this routine within a couple of days. The potential user might be thinking that no good thing comes to less cost. So this procedure will be expensive but it is not. The cost of the procedure is quintessentially economical. The hair follicles are not falling and at the same time hinder the growth of new follicles because of which the density and volume like problem are coming to the origin. But Bio FUE hair transplant aims at the complete revitalisation of hair follicles.  Why should you choose us? You should choose us because:

Which are the hair related problems that come about owing to poor hygiene?


At this day and age, preponderant problems and complications related to that of hair are coming into existence. Some problems or complications are inclined to fade away with the time while others will create a significantly adverse effect on the hair. In many of the worst cases, the aggravation of the problem has alleviated to the level that the patient has to undergo the hair transplant in Vizag. So let’s get to know the variegated problem that itself manifests in the hair. Head lice are commonly known by the name of pediculosis capitis. This ailment of the hair is quintessentially contagious. The most customary and observed symptom or indication of this element is that of the increased and alleviate itching.  The louse which thrives on the head of the humans is accustomed to flourish by sucking the human blood. This ailment keeps on getting worse. The female louse is supposed to lay eggs on the scalp. These eggs themselves get the glue to the hair. After a period of approximately eight to ten days, the infant ice comes about after the eggs are hatched Hair loss customarily comes into existence owing to the alopecia. In this situation, the immune system of the body commences working adversely. When this happens, it erroneously stops generating the hair follicles. The hair loss may come to light in the form of the patches and these may involve any part of the body that is supposed to produce hair. This ailment customarily caused owing to variegated genetic and environmental conditions.   Seborrhea, which we all know by the name of dandruff is a common problem encountered among the people and even children. This condition can be defined as the non-contagious one. This problem particularly chooses the areas of the skin which are rich in the oil glands like the following: When the skin gets afflicted with dandruff, the skin undergoes redness and severe itching. This problem can become even worse if the hairs remain unoiled for a long time in winters. If the individual is shampooing at regular intervals of the days, this problem could affect the jar in a way that dandruff will not only remain hidden, rather it comes about and becomes noticeable. Folliculitis is an ailment which occurs particularly on the skin. This ailment only chooses those zones of the skin in which the grown hair follicles are shaved whenever they come about. Once in a while, this problem is also noticed owing to friction of skin and being rubbed from clothes. This should be taken immediately because this problem can be categorized as some sort of infection.  Final Thoughts No matter which hair problem has come about, you need to consult an experienced dermatologist at your earliest. This should not be deemed as the problem that would fade away by itself. Especially the problem like folliculitis should not be avoided at any cost.

Difference between Cool sculpting and liposuction surgery.


Liposuction surgery is very common in this era. It is a cosmetic procedure and the main role of liposuction surgery is to remove the excess fat from the different areas of the body like abdomen, thighs, hips and others. It is not a weight-loss method but is instead designed to reshape and contour specific areas.  What is cool sculpting? Coolsculpting is a method of fat freezing that aims to get rid of stubborn fat in different parts of your body. This method is known as cryolipolysis. The idea of cryolipolysis is discovered from the fat during the frostbite. Fat freezers at a higher temperature than skin. The cryolipolysis device cools your fat to a temperature that destroys it, leaving the skin and other tissues unharmed.  What is the definition of Liposuction surgery?  Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure helpful in removing fat from the different areas of the body. This surgery can permanently remove the fat cells that store fat from a particular section of your body. Liposuction surgery is helpful to get rid of fat deposits that do not respond to diet and exercise. Contact the VJ clinics for liposuction surgery in Pathapatnam to get the best and most satisfying results. There are different types of liposuction surgery. What are the benefits of cool sculpting?  Coolsculpting has a lot of benefits.  Liposuction surgery is very common, and many people go for Coolsculpting to remove the fat from their thighs. People consider cosmetic procedures expensive, including liposuction surgery. The VJ Cosmetic Surgery and Hair Transplant Center offers the cheapest Liposuction Surgery Cost in Pathapatnam.

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