Debunking Common Myths About Hair Fall
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Debunking the Common Myths Associated with Hair Fall

Debunking the Common Myths Associated with Hair Fall


Hair loss is the most common concern worldwide. Research has found that around 50.31% of Indian men are facing hair loss problems under the age of 25. And the most shocking report is that 25.89% of men are under 21, and they are already at stage 3 hair fall.  But on the other hand there are numerous people who are preventing this problem with hair loss treatment in India. If you are one of the people who are facing hair loss, then book your appointment today.  Many myths have spread among people related to hair loss and its treatment. Let’s separate some facts from fiction associated with hair loss. Myth 1 – Wearing Hat Leads to Hair Loss It is the most common myth that wearing hats can suffocate the hair follicles which cause hair loss. However, hair follicles collect oxygen and nutrients from the bloodstream not from air. It is necessary to understand the science behind hair loss & its growth to make informed decisions. Myth 2- Baldness is Only Inherited from Mother’s Side Undoubtedly, genetics plays a significant role in hair loss, but it can also be inherited from the father’s family. Genetic factors affect the sensitivity of hair follicles to hormones. DHT is the primary hormonal factor in both male and female pattern baldness. Any type of baldness can be treated with an affordable hair Transplant cost in India.  Myth 3 – Only Men Face Hair Loss Hair loss is not only related to men. However, women also face problems of hair loss and thinning, but it is often presented differently. Diffuse thinning across the scalp is the most common factor in female pattern hair loss. At the same time, men face bald spots and receding hairlines. All types of hair loss problems can be solved with effective procedures of hair transplant.  Myth 4 – Stress is the Primary Cause       Stress can trigger hair shedding. Male and female baldness patterns are often reversible, and they can be prevented with the use of FDA-approved medications like minoxidil and finasteride; these two are popular choices for promoting hair growth.  Myth 5 – Only Affects Aged People Hair loss problems can strike individuals at any age. Many youth in India and foreign countries are facing the problem of hair loss. Choosing a reliable hair loss treatment in India will help many youths regain full head hair. In the end, many boys in their adolescence face hair loss problems, some due to medical conditions and some due to other factors.  Myth 6 – Too Often Hair Washing  Frequent hair washing can lead to the problem of hair loss, which is the most common myth among females. Females usually avoid washing their heads just because of this myth. Keeping scalp & hair clean is the key to healthy and long hair.  Myth 7 – Plucking One Hair Leads to More Plucking one grey hair will not lead to growth of multiple grey hairs. Excessive plucking will lead to damage of hair follicles over time, it leads to thinning of hair in that area.  Don’t let these myths stop you; make informed decisions after consulting about your hair loss problem with our top doctors at Vj’s Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre, get your quote today for hair Transplant cost in India.

The Science Behind Hair Growth and Loss

Treatment plans for hair problems.


Hair is the most beautiful part of the human body. Many people get several treatments to enhance the beauty of their hair. Due to the unhealthy diet and poor living style, people experience different issues, including hair loss. Some people get hair transplants done to cover bald skin, and the cost of a hair transplant in India is genuine and reasonable. Nowadays the success rate of hair transplant is quite good.  What are the causes of the Hair loss?  Several reasons can contribute to hair loss.  What are the treatment plans for hair loss?  There are different treatment plans for hair loss issues.  Medication:  Surgery for Hair Transplantation: Treatment using Platelet-Rich Plasma: A sample of the patient’s blood is taken and processed to concentrate the platelets, and then platelet-rich plasma is injected into the scalp as part of PRP therapy. Growth factors included in PRP may aid in promoting hair growth. Low-Intensity Laser Treatment: Red light wavelengths emitted by LT devices are believed to promote cellular activity in hair follicles and increase blood flow to the scalp, stimulating hair growth.  Prescription Drugs: Specific forms of hair loss, like alopecia areata, may occasionally be treated with prescription drugs such as corticosteroids, topical immunotherapy, or oral immunosuppressants. Wigs and Concealers for Hair Loss: Hair problems are widespread because of different reasons. For hair loss treatment in India, contact the best hospital, Dr. VJ’s Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre. 

How to Improve the Success Rate of Hair Transplant Surgery?


Hair transplant surgeries have become popular for people facing hair loss. How successful are these procedures, and how can they improve their outcomes? In this blog, we’ll explore the success rate of hair transplants in India, ways to boost it, and important tips for those considering this life-changing procedure. Hair Transplant Procedure: How Well Does it Work? So, what exactly is hair transplantation? This refers to a surgical procedure where hair follicles are extracted from one part of your body, often the back or the sides of your skull, and grafted into areas affected by hair thinning or baldness. The efficiency of this procedure depends on various factors, such as the general well-being of an individual, the surgeon’s expertise level, and how you take care of yourself afterwards. Understanding Hair Transplant Methods, After-Surgery Care, and How It Works Knowing about different hair transplant methods, the importance of after-surgery care, and understanding how the procedure works is crucial. Methods like FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) have pros and cons. Following post-surgery care guidelines is key to getting the best results. How Successful are Hair Transplant Procedures? The victory rate of hair transplants in India ranges from 85% to 95%. However, this can differ based on your suitability for the surgery, the surgeon’s expertise, and the method used. It’s critical to have realistic expectations and understand that results may differ from person to person. What is Laser Hair Removal, and Why is it Good? Besides surgical solutions like hair transplants, there’s also laser hair removal, a non-invasive method that can complement the overall hair restoration process. It helps prevent further hair loss by targeting hair follicles and inhibiting their growth, offering a holistic approach to managing hair-related concerns. Ways to Improve the Success Rate of Hair Transplant Surgery 1. Carefully Choosing the Right Hair Transplant Clinic Choosing the right clinic is a serious business. It’s a good clinic with an excellent reputation, satisfied patients’ testimonials, and qualified personnel. Check if a clinic meets hygiene standards and uses modern techniques. Finding clinics that meet international standards will be important for someone considering a hair transplant in India. 2. Choosing an Experienced Hair Transplant Surgeon The experience of medical practitioners involved in surgery plays a major role in its success. A competent, experienced surgeon would guide you through any possible complications, making it an easier and more prosperous process. It is, therefore, essential to determine if qualifications are provided for them before choosing any surgeon. 3. Avoiding Cheaper Hair Transplant Clinics While hair transplant costs in India are high, going to a cheaper clinic might compromise the quality of the procedure. Clinics offering significantly lower prices may use outdated techniques or inexperienced staff, increasing the risk of complications and less-than-ideal results. It’s essential to balance affordability and quality for the best chance of success. Recovering from Hair Transplant: What to Expect, Results, and How to Take Care After the surgery, there’s a recovery period, and taking care of yourself during this time is crucial. Understanding what to expect in terms of results and following after-care instructions contribute significantly to the success of the transplant. Patience and commitment to recovery are key to achieving the desired outcome. Conclusion Increasing the success of a hair transplant requires well-thought-out plans, a proper selection of experts, and good follow-up. Are you considering hair transplant costs in India? Make sure to examine clinics, doctors and techniques comprehensively. Opting for a credible facility such as Dr. VJ’s Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre can increase your chances of getting back your natural hairline. Quality should be given priority over price when deciding anything. Always be patient and dedicated because that will give you the best result regarding the hair you want.

How beard styles tell about your personality and traits? Which style is best?


Beards have been in the trend among males for the last few years.There are a variety of beard styles. Every male has his favourite style of beard. But what if there is not sufficient hair on your beard area? Obviously, then you will not be able to give the style statement. In those conditions, you should opt for a Hair transplant in Vizag. Hair transplant cost in Vizag depends upon the type of the area you want to treat with the transplantation. But have you ever thought that your beard says a lot about your personality? So are you interested to know what does your beard says about you:  STUBBLE If you like the stubble look, then you are among those males who like to keep up with the latest trends. According to many people, stubble is the beard style that needs quintessentially less maintenance. But it is not so. It requires a huge number of efforts to maintain it. The one very important thing is keeping the right length of hair. SIDEBURNS  The guys who love to have fun consider sideburns. This type of beard shows that you are hugely experimental and like to do fun with your facial hair. It tells more about tour fn personality.  MOUSTACHES Earlier the trend of the moustaches was only limited to the folks. But no sooner the younger generation found this trend awesome than every youngster was convinced to opt for it as the style. Now you will find, all the heroes of all the regional film industries are making themselves look good by including the moustaches in their beard styles. GOATEE The goatee is considered the latest fashionable. This was in the trend in the early 90s. But now the trend of the beard is scratching the fancy of many.  HORSESHOE MOUSTACHES The bikers and the wrestlers are relying on the horseshoe moustaches for a long time. It is considered one of the rebellious kinds of hairstyles. This beard is known for getting pulled off so soon. But it is one of the best styles for the athletes and the sportsman.  HANDLEBAR MOUSTACHE  If you want your moustache to be neat, clean and tidy, then you should try the handlebar moustache as it is the best for all generations. No matter if you are a younger man or an old man, this beard style will suit you.  CLEAN-SHAVEN  No matter, that the beard is on rising trends these days. But still, some boys look good with their clean shaved look. How can you grow hair on your beard?  To try out the variegated beard style, you, first of all, are required to grow facial hair. For that it is necessary, you should follow the various measures. Initially, you have to pay attention to the important measure. According to which you are required to exfoliate regularly. But what if I am not able to grow beard hair?  In those situations, you should opt for undergoing beard transplants. If you are thinking about which clinic will be best for undergoing such a cosmetic procedure, then you should surely rely on Dr Vj’s hair transplant and cosmetic surgery centre.

Hair Transplant – Approaches, Post-Operative Care, Mechanism & Much More


Why Hair Transplant?  The people who are suffering from the male or female pattern baldness, are customary to undergo a Hair transplant in Vizag. The predominant reason why the number of people taking up hair restoration procedures is increasing is the hair transplant cost in India. The economical and the result-oriented treatment is what convinces the hair loss distressed patients to take up the hair transplant.  Hair Transplant Approaches  There are many ways by which the hair transplant can be carried out to experience the desired results. For example, FUE and FUT are the main procedures that are used to treat hair loss patients with the hair transplantation procedure.  How Do The Doctors Decide Whether The FUE or FUT Procedure Is To Be Undergone?  It thoroughly depends upon the medical condition of the patient whether the FUE or FUT procedure for the hair transplantation is to be performed.  What Are The Similarities In All The Procedures Of The Hair Transplant?  The mechanism and the process to perform the hair transplantation procedures may be different. But the steps are usually the same as follow:  Customarily all the methods of the hair transplant incorporate the extraction process. The extraction process helps to withdraw good quality hair follicles from the scalp.  When the grafts and the strips are extracted, then the next step is regarding the separation of the hair strands. Then these strands are observed to detect whether they will be suitable for transplantation or not.  Then the good quality and checked hair follicles will be inserted in the incisions done in the scalp.  Which Care-Points To Consider After The Hair Transplantation Process?  The following Post-Operative instructions should not be neglected by the patients:  Should You Be Returning To Work?  It is suggested that you should take some days off from your work as you need complete rest. The work, no matter how easy or tough, could make you stressed.  Notable Point  If you are employed with any of the sitting or the blue-collar jobs, then there will not be any restrictions for you to go the work by the doctor. But make sure, on our way to the office and home, you are covering your hair completely. Do not let it expose to either the sun or the dist or the debris.  Bottom Line How do you like today’s article? If you want more such articles, then please tell us. We shall be more than happy to present you with the best and relevant information. 

What is Laser Hair Removal and its Benefits

how does laser help in hair removal?


Body hair can be bothersome for many people. You have to remove it by waxing or shaving continuously. It can be time-consuming and tiring. If you also suffer from this condition, You can get the best laser hair removal in Vizag. The service is quick and causes minimum pain. You will have full hair removal in a few sittings.    Laser hair removal is a modern medical method for removing unwanted hair and improving skin tone. When you remove your unwanted hair by waxing, shaving, plucking, and threading, you feel more pain and suffer from irritation and inflammation. Using laser hair removal, you get a permanent solution to unwanted hair. This treatment has minimal side effects. But you get an effective result.  Benefits of laser hair removal  It long term solution Laser hair removal treatment in which the doctor destroys your hair follicles. When hair follicles are destroyed, they do not grow back. But, some sessions do not permanently remove your unwanted hair. But this technique helps to grow slowly.    Some side effect When you remove your unwanted hair by waxing and razor, you suffer pain, small cuts, irritation, inflammation, redness, etc. If you adopt laser hair removal treatment, then you suffer follicular edema. In which redness occurs at the follicles for 48 hours. But this treatment has less pain and an effective result.     Low maintenance You should adopt laser hair removal treatment if you want a permanent solution to remove unwanted hair. It helps remove unwanted hair permanently and gives better results than waxing and razor in a few minutes.  less time consuming Laser hair removal treatment is a less time-consuming treatment. You save plenty of time.  Fast service Laser hair removal treatment is a fast service. If you want to remove your upper lips and underarms hairs, then this procedure takes only 15 minutes. And other sessions take a little more time.  Less pain You suffer lots of pain when you remove your unwanted hair through wax. When you adopt laser hair removal treatment, you feel less pain.  Cost-effective  Laser hair removal treatment reduces the costs when you want to remove unwanted hair from the body parts, buy many products, and spend a lot of money. When you get treatment, it helps to save your money for a long time.  Make your skin beautiful and smooth. Taking laser hair removal treatment makes your skin beautiful and smooth. Because this treatment helps to improve the skin tone and texture, it can also help to reduce the irritation problem and dark spots. This treatment also reduces the frequency of the acne breakouts and hair growth.  Less ingrown hair  Adopting laser hair treatment to remove unwanted hair reduces the risk of skin inflammation and itching. Safe procedure  Laser hair removal treatment is a safe procedure. Because when you use a razor, you get a minor cut in the body while using. Laser hair treatment is a modern technology used to remove unwanted hair. When you adopt the treatment, you do not have more complaints regarding your dark skin tone.  Permanent solution  When you get a laser hair removal treatment, you see the result of permanently removing your unwanted hair from your body, but after a few sessions, your body parts are still growing hair slowly.   Cosmetic surgery is a procedure to help change the appearance like wrinkles, body’s shape, and overall appearance. If you are considering Cosmetic Surgery in Vizag choose a reputed clinic for desired outcomes. 

Why undergo a hair transplant procedure? What are the benefits of the hair transplant?


All of us have heard about hair transplant procedures. In today’s article we shall be telling you about the benefits of undergoing a hair transplant in Vizag: In which situations should you undergo hair transplantation?  BENEFITS Hair transplant is a procedure that does not involve any use of artificial hair or superficial stimulation. Rather this is a process that helps the scalp to get stimulated to adapt to the newly transplanted hair and promotes the growth of the hair. The transplanted hair will further grow naturally. No technique or surgical procedure will be used afterwards.  This process helps to get rid of the balding. After undergoing the procedure, no patch of baldness will be left.  A hair transplant can last till the end of your life if you are taking all the precautionary and preventive measures into account.  One of the best benefits of hair transplantation is the natural-looking results. The outcomes will not let the people suspect if it is your hair.  For the first 3 to 4 months,  you will have to take quintessential care of the transplanted hair. But once they have successfully got transplanted, then you can enjoy flaunting your hair. A very little maintenance will be required and that too includes the following:  The procedure does not charge you diamonds. With the latest amount you can enjoy the aesthetics that you can enjoy for the rest of your life.  You can enjoy a youthful appearance by undergoing a hair transplantation procedure.  Initially when the hair transplants procedures were not developed, then the people used to experience the scarring. But no sooner they are ameliorated and modified than the scarring has reduced.  No doubt, for the first two weeks you may encounter discomfort in the form of bruising and swelling, but it does not bother you for a long time. The giant benefit of undergoing the hair transplantation procedure is that it is trustworthy since it is associated with the highest success rate.  The hair transplant usually gets completed in one session. There is no need to undergo further sessions.  The doctor will not waste your time by calling you frequently for the follow-up session to detect the growth of the hair follicles.  This procedure does not involve any complications or side effects that can restrict you from something.  Bottom Line  To enjoy all the above-mentioned benefits of the hair transplantation procedure, make sure you are taking the treatment from the right hospital. If you are unable to find such a clinic, then let VJS clinic help you with the guarantee to provide the desired outcomes. 

Hair transplant -Recovery period, Result expectation & Preventive measures.


Nobody wants to compromise with the looks since nowadays your looks are the real output of your personality. So the people can’t afford to lose their hair. But we do not have any dominance over age-related changes on the skin and hair. There are sometimes genetic reasons also because of which you have to suffer from hair and skin related transformations. So in today’s article, we shall be discussing the total time taken by the hair grafts to settle in the recipient zone after hair transplant in Vizag.  No, not necessarily the hair transplant is the only approach to carry out the hair restoration. But there are some other ways also which may help you to get densely volumized hair, like the use of extensions or the Bio FUE, which. Some procedures may give you permanent results while others are for temporary usage.  Yes, the recovery period for all the hair restoration procedures is different. If the patient is undergoing FUT, then he may take considerably more time to be healed as compared to the patient who has taken up the FUE procedure. And for the Bio FUE, the recovery rate and spread completely vary. Since the recovery period is deemed as the critical period for the adaptation of the transplanted grafts to the scalp, so the individual must follow the following instructions:  When not to do it?  The patient should not massage the hair or scalp for the period of 1st four days after the procedure.  When to do it?  On the 5th day after the procedure, if your doctor permits you to do so, then you can surely get it done.  How not to sleep? It is advised that the patients should not sleep flat.  How to?  Sleeping by keeping the pillow below your head is the ideal position to sleep  What not to eat? You should not eat food that is rich in oil and fats.  What to eat?  Try to eat a lot of fresh fruits and green vegetables and also drink the water in abundance to keep the body hydrated.  Immediately after the hair transplantation procedure, you should not be expecting to see full-fledged results. It takes time for the grafts to settle down to the atmosphere of the recipient zone. Once they are adapted with the recipient, then you can surely expect to see the results. and that may take up to 1 year.  For that, the individual must ameliorate his habits by abstaining from alcohol and the making. Also do not be experimental with your transplanted hair since they do have the potential to suffer from the burden of maintaining the dyed colour and the heat treatment.  Takeaway To take up the hair transplant procedure at affordable prices, visit the reputed and experienced doctors since only a trained doctor can understand the depth of the procedure.

Gynaecomastia surgery – Eligibility criteria, Mechanism, Causes & Cost.


75% of the males suffer from the problem of gynecomastia. The intensity of gynecomastia is not the same among all individuals. Some males do suffer from the mildest gynecomastia which is not noticeable unless the man is shirtless. But in the other cases, the males are having the breasts like that of the females. It will cause a serious effect on the confidence level of the males. But there is good news, that gynecomastia surgery in Vizag is available at affordable prices.  So let us get to know some of the important aspects of the gynaecomastia:  Which candidates are considered fit for the procedure?  The following types of candidates are considered best for the procedure:  Which treatment is taken into account if it is about the enlargement of the breasts?  When the breasts of the males are growing inappropriately and they are looking feminine, then it has to be corrected which is done by gynecomastia surgery. The aim of the surgery to reduce the escalated size of the breasts.  Which are the predominant reasons for gynecomastia?  Gynecomastia can be caused by the following reasons: CHECK YOUR KNOWLEDGE Estrogen is the feminine hormone that makes changes in the body accordingly. Testosterone is the masculine hormone that gives the masculine contour and physique to the body. But sometimes estrogen hormone in the males escalated to the highest level which makes the male’s body encounter feminine changes.  CAUSES It is the problem in which the production of normal testosterone interferes.  With the age-related changes, the hormonal imbalances and changes are normal and quite obvious to get encountered.  If the malignancy in any of the below mentioned occurs, then also the imbalance of hormones come into existence:  The individuals whose kidneys get failed have to undergo dialysis. The dialysis always gives invitations to gynecomastia.  How can a patient recover from the problem of gynecomastia?  The incisions are based and dressed to make them get rehabilitated at a speedy pace. Besides, the patient is also provided with the compression garment which he should keep wearing as per the instructions of the dermatologists.  How is the cost of the gynaecomastia determined?  The cost of the gynecomastia is determined by keeping the following factors in account:  The intensity with which the gynaecomastia has affected moobs plays a quintessential role in determining the overall price of the procedure.  The experience and the qualification of the doctor also matter a lot in this regard. It is relevant to mention here that not all the doctors that are charging high for the procedure are qualified. Rather some doctors are highly qualified but still, they are charging very low for the treatment.  Takeaway So if you want to take up the Gynaecomastia, then you should be consulting the best hospital or clinic like that of the Dr VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre.

FAQs about the hair massage right after the hair transplantation treatment


Hair transplantation is a procedure whose results cannot be attained at that particular point of time when the doctor has completed the surgery. Rather the success rate will be determined after the recovery periods since it holds much importance as far as the adaptation of the hair grafts in the receipt area is concerned. For this reason, when the hair transplant in Vizag is carried out, the people are given utmost knowledge about the importance of following the prevention and precautionary measures.  As long as the scalp or hair massage is concerned. You should wait for at least 21 days to massage as it will lead to dislodging it if the period is not given due consideration.  Sometimes the doctors do suggest that you can take up the massage right after the ten days, but you should not be doing that.  Scabs are the little patches of the dried skin which forms on the scalp right after the procedure. These may be irritating because of the constant itchiness but you are advised not to touch them or even try to prick them. They are known to fall off on their right after 2 or 3 weeks.  But when they are getting shed off, to avoid the discomfort you can take the help of the oil and massage it on the scabs on the circular motions which will help them to shed off.  The doctor will suggest you the following in case you are bothered with the unendurable discomfort and the pain: The dermatologist will suggest you the use of certain ointments in the particular motions if the discomfort is maximum and you cannot bear it.  You can use ice packs in case the swelling is making you feel irritated. And in some of the cases, the people are bothered by the itching and irritation which can be get rid of with the help of cold compressions.  Once the period of 21 days is over, then you can surely massage the scalp with the oils. If it is possible then the use of essential oils can he;p you a lot to contribute to the regrowth of the hair follicles.  But it is relevant to inform you that you should not be aggressively doing the message since the hair follicles are still sensitive to the aggressive forces. So make sure you are following the correct massage motions.  You can put your head in the bathtub which should be filled with lukewarm water. If the scabs are there, then this method helps them to get tendered and get fall off without causing any discomfort to the individual.  Takeaway If after the massage or oiling, you face any issue like the dislodgement of the hair follicles, then you can visit the best dermatologist in vizag. 

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