Occurrence Of Male Pattern Baldness
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Are You Worry About The Occurrence Of The Male Pattern Baldness?


Dr. VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre Vizag: Hair loss is a frustrating and embarrassing situation that is being faced by both genders. Genetic and Nongenetic factors are the main reasons behind these issues. Normally, a person loses 150 hair regularly, but if you feel excess hair fall then you must visit a hair expert. In certain cases, when some people do not get desired results then they undergo Hair transplant surgery to treat their baldness problem.

Male Pattern Baldness Cause:-

Many males suffer from Male Pattern Baldness issues this occurs due to the hormonal effects on the hair follicle. A hormone namely Testosterone which exists in males at high levels after puberty, then it is converted to DHT by an enzyme. DHT has a severely harmful impact on hair follicles which slows down the production of hair, weak, and breaks the hair later on results in baldness.

Before you undergo hair restoration surgery, your surgeon may suggest you try Minoxidil or finasteride if you have not consumed it earlier. This medication has been proved to minimize hair loss and improve the growth of hair in a few individuals.


1. Follicular unit transplantation (FUT):

  • In this surgery, the surgeon removes the strip of scalp skin from the back of the scalp by using a tool called scalpel. The incision which is made by the surgeon is commonly several inches long.
  1. Then the surgeon closes the area with stitches.
  2. Then specialist separates the removed portion into small segments by using a magnifying lens as well as a sharp surgical knife. When the removed hair implanted into the affected area, these sections will help to attain the growth of hair.

2. Follicular unit extraction (FUE):

  1. In FUE procedure, the surgeon removes the hair follicles directly from the back of the scalp by several small group incisions.
  2. Then the surgeon creates a tiny hole by using a needle or blade in the recipient area of the scalp and then gently place hairs in that holes.
  3. When the hairs are transplanted by the surgeon then the surgeon covers the recipient area with bandages for a few days.
  4. In this procedure, recovery is fast as compare to FUT that means you can get back to your work in less than a week.

You have to schedule an appointment with the doctor after 10 days of surgery to remove the stitches. This treatment helps to maintain the mental health stable by enhancing the physical appearance of the patient. But, you have to choose the best and renowned surgeon to perform this surgery so that you can acquire desired results.