8 Essential Tips for Transplanted Hair Graft Survival
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8 crucial Tips for the successful survival of the transplanted hair grafts.


Since we know the indispensability to follow the precautionary measures before the hair transplant procedures, we should also be acquainted with the measures that one should take care of after the hair transplant procedure is performed. The more we remain conscious about the post-surgical precautions and the preventions, the more we shall be able to contribute to the success rate of the Best hair transplant in Vizag.

So in this article, we shall be discussing some of the precautions or preventions which you should do after you take up the hair transplant procedure. 

  • Do not do anything until the instructor

It is advised not to take up any measure until and unless instructed by the doctor. You should wait for the doctor’s green signal for washing your scalp, getting your hair oiled and dressed with combs. If you carry out any of the mentioned activities before the period, then you are sure to cause harm to the grafts. 

  • Follow a nutritive direct plan

The importance of nutrition becomes more intensified when the procedure of the hair transplant is successfully done and the outcomes are dependent on the recovery period. Because the hair grafts are struggling to survive in the recipient zone and nutrients can help them to flourish nicely in that zone. 

  • Don’t take the stress

Stress in any form is never conducive to the recovery period whether it is related to any ailment or even cosmetic surgery. 50% of the results are accomplished when you are keeping up with the high spirits and the cheerfulness. 

  • Don’t be rough with your scabs

Scabs are the occurrences that are obvious after the procedure. But you need to be quintessentially conscious that you are not picking them up or touching them again and again. After the required period, these will get off from your scalp on their own. If at the time when these are struggling to get off on their own, you are getting irritated. Then you can put your head in the bathtub which should be filled with lukewarm water. And as an alternative for that, you can gently and tenderly massage your scalp with coconut oil. 

  • Me time

Have you ever heard of me-time? Then it is quintessentially important when you are in the recovery period. Because the more you will feel relaxed, the more good outcomes will be encountered. 

  • Say bye to caffeinated products

This should not be forever goodbye. Rather it should be avoided only when you are in the recovery phase. 

  • Don’t sleep flat

It is advised not to sleep flat. Rather keeping a pillow under your head can help the blood to flow in the scalp normally and without any hindrance which is a necessary condition for the survival of the hair grafts. 

  • Avoid wine and alcohol

The wine and alcohol should be avoided as these are the ones that are known for obstructing the flow of blood to the scalp. 


If the individual will follow the above-mentioned measures after the hair transplant, then chances are high that the hair transplant will come up with successful survival.