Best Hair Transplant & Cosmetic Surgery Clinic in Vizag, India
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Why Dr VJs

Why Dr VJs Cosmetic Surgery Clinic Visakhapatnam India

We are APs leading Hair restoration and Cosmetic surgery centre in Andhra Pradesh. We have successfully treated over 4000 clients in the past 3 years When you visit any of our centre, you can be rest assured that you are in the best and safest hands possible. We set the highest standards in terms of procedures, treatments and aftercare, which reflects in the end result you see post treatment

Why Dr VJs & not others

Experience: Not less than 10 years for any professional working on our roles. Our most experienced doctor has an experience of 40 Years.

Techniques: We manoeuvre with the changes in the market and upgrade ourselves with the new equipment whenever needed. Few such enhancements are TRINOCULAR Microscopes and REMI PRP Centrifuges.

Post Procedure care: We boast of the best Post procedure care where we call up our clients at regular intervals. An online as well as an offline team is in place to take care of the same.

Safety: This is the most important aspect for a client and we assure 100% safety. We repeat, you are always in safe hands

Assured results: Results are the true crown for success. Being at the helm, it’s our utmost responsibility to deliver the promised result. We have been doing it and continue to do so.

Pricing: We don’t offer competitive prices and run our centres as business entity like others do. We give best service at a price which is worth each penny. You can carry out this exercise on your own by filling our cost calculator