Liposuction versus non-surgical treatments
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Which to choose between Liposuction and Noninvasive Fat Reduction Procedures?

Which to choose between Liposuction and Noninvasive Fat Reduction Procedures?


Several people are suffering from unwanted fat deposits, which cannot be easily removed with diet and regular exercise. In this case, you have to go with cosmetic surgery. A recent study reveals that fat removal procedures give them permanent results, and they also get their desired results.

Liposuction surgery is one of the most common and best performed cosmetic procedures. This surgery removes fat and refines the contour of the body safely, securely, successfully, and permanently.

Moreover, Nonsurgical procedures for fat removal also getting popularity in the last few years over liposuction.

Let’s have a look at the difference between liposuction and non-surgical procedures.

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure, which is designed to remove fat from certain body parts. This is too popular cosmetic procedure among people, due to its better as well as permanent results. In addition to this, this treatment option is performed by a certified and well-qualified surgeon with the help of a small and hollow tube, which is additionally known as a cannula.

This procedure is valuable to remove fat from certain body parts such as-:

  • Legs
  • Abdomen
  • Back
  • Arms
  • Face
  • Neck

You may not know that this offers you more precise results as compared to non-surgical treatments for fat removal.

Non-surgical treatments

There are several non-surgical treatments available in the market for unwanted fat removal. These are-:

  • CoolSculpting
  • truSculpt™
  • Zerona

These are explained below-:


CoolSculpting is a perfect option for those with optimal weight, but they want to remove little spots of fat deposits from thighs and abdominal area. The procedure uses a patented cryolipolysis system to cool unhealthy fat cells and this is completely safe as well as a secure procedure that does not damage the surrounding tissues during the procedure. In this procedure, you do not get instant results, you have to wait for at least three months.


TruSculpt is a related procedure that uses radio frequency powered technology to remove fat cells from below-mentioned areas such as-:

This procedure is completed within 2 hours, and patients start noticing results after one to two procedures.


This treatment option is completely different from the above-mentioned non-surgical treatments. This treatment option removes superficial fat cells so that people can get the desired results.

Which treatment is best for people to remove fat deposits?

No doubt, both treatment options are beneficial to remove fat deposits from several body areas. Also, it is valuable to improve your body contour so that you can wear any type of cloth freely.

Whereas, if a patient goes with non-surgical treatments to get rid of unwanted fat deposits, then they may need to get the treatment again and again, due to temporary results.