Best Ways to Wash and Oil Hair Based on Your Hair Type
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How Should The Hair Be Washed And Oiled According To The Hair Type?



I guess everybody out there would love to know the ideal frequency of the hair washes in a week. The frequency is not significant to be known by only those who have taken the hair transplant in India. Everybody among us should know the ideal frequency based on the type and texture of our hair.

The significance of the hair washes increases if you have invested money in paying for the hair transplant cost. Since hair transplant patients are required to be extra careful.

I have dry hair. How often should I wash my hair?

The dry hairs get deteriorated if they are washed regularly. So these should be washed twice a week. But make sure whenever you are going to wash your hair, do not forget to take the benefit of the hair oiling. You can use any kind of heavy oil so that your air gets enough nourishment. You can use:

  • Avocado oil
  • Coconut Oil
  • Almond Oil

I have oily and silky hair. Which hair wash frequency should I follow?

In case you have oily and silky hair, then you should wash your hair at least 2 to 3 times a week. But as suggested to the people for dry hair, the hair should not be washed until they are not oiled. Oiling with the following oils will provide the essential nutrients to your body:

  • Castor Oil
  • Olive Oil

What if I have normal hair?

Washing hair two times a week would be necessary. Oiling should be done regularly to make sure the hair strands always remain nourished. If you want your normal hair to always remain normal, then you have to make sure that you are not taking up any kind of heat treatment. Neither should you go for hair dyeing.

Which are some of the tips for hair washing and hair oiling?

The hair oiling would only prove to be beneficial if the hair is left oiled overnight. If, owing to any situation, you forget to oil the hair at night, then you should oil them four to five times before the hair is to be washed.

The choice of the oil should be done according to the nature and the texture of the hair. If the wrong oil is chosen, then the hair would not get the required nourishment. If you do not know which oil would be best for you, then do consult some of the hair care specialists to know the right kind of oil.

When washing hair, please make sure that you are getting too aggressive with the hair. Use gentle circular motions to get rid of the dust and the excessive debris.

Bonus Tip

Do not dry the hair when they are still wet. By doing so, you will make the root of the strand weak and thus the hair loss like problems would be encountered.

Bottom Line

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