The improved Breast augmentation procedure
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How has the breast augmentation done nowadays in better as compared to earlier?


Dr. VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre: Many women are selecting the option of breast implants. There are various reasons like after pregnancy there is loss of volume, lost weight, or want to balance the asymmetrical breasts.

No doubt, a lot of technological advancements have been in this option. There is no doubt in saying that this surgical technique has improved a lot in the past couple of years. It helps the women to get a natural look along with that it helps in improving body image and self-confidence.

To get the desired results there are different factors that need to be kept in mind while getting breast augmentation surgery. This helps the women to feel good about themselves and help you get the best version of yourself.

What are the new options for breast implants?

  • The most common type of implants includes silicone and saline. From both these options, silicone is still very popular. But in this category, there are few options from which women can choose.
  • You can choose the option of gummy bear breast implants and they are in the shape of a teardrop. With this sloped shape it helps in giving a natural breast contour. With this, there will be more fullness at the bottom and at the top, there will be a tapering effect.
  • On the other hand, round implants will give a fuller and more natural look in comparison to anatomical implants.
  • Nowadays to make the breast implants, silicone gel of High-strength cohesive (HSC) used which is a breakthrough technology. This is true that this is the strongest type of silicone available in the market and this makes the implants soft and even in touch, they feel natural.

You can say that you can choose the option which you like along with that it should fit your body shape and give you the desired results you want.

Improved technique

  • The surgeon will help you choose the right kind of implant which is going to be right for your body and fulfill your needs. This option is becoming popular for women who want some kind of extra volume.
  • The plastic surgeon will remove the unwanted fat from different parts of the body (like abdomen or hips) and then use it for the implant Moreover, there will be a scar left from the fat is taken.
  • This surgical technique is best for women who are looking to increase the breast volume or to improve the previous results of the breast augmentation procedure.

More attention is given on natural-looking results

If you choose a board-certified plastic surgeon they are going to enhance the results by taking the help of the latest techniques and trends.