Hair Transplant in Rajam
Hair Loss Treatment in Rajam | Hair Transplant cost in Rajam
5 Crucial factors that determine the overall cost of the hair transplant
According to a survey, most women do not take that much time in doing the makeup as they take in styling their hairs. Is anybody wondering why? The answers may be varied. But according to survey results carried out by VJ Healthcare, it is because the hair is the crucial part of our overall emergence. We even asked women to choose one between two alternatives – Hair-styling or Makeup. You will be surprised to hear 90% of the women chose Answer A i.e Hairstyling. Therefore we could easily relate what is the paramount reason for the mushrooming demand for the Hair transplant in Rajam. Hair transplant cost in Rajam is the frequently asked question by the patients who are thinking to take up the procedure. So we decided to present with you the full-fledged information on this aspect.
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Cost of Hair transplantation
We are all aware of the complexity of the hair restoration procedure. It may seem easy to define that the procedure which initially extracts hair follicles from the donor area and implants it in the recipient zone is worth calling hair transplant, but the practical approach is far more composite than merely defining it in theoretical terms.
Therefore VJC Healthcare has hired surgeons who possess expertise in the field with years of experience and the experience is specifically related to the successful results.
The cost of the hair restoration procedure is no doubt somewhat dependent on the above-mentioned characteristics.
But some other factors predominantly contribute to determining the overall cost:
Hair grafts extraction & Implantation
The number of hair grafts that are needed to be extracted to implant in the recipient zone is one of the cost-influencing factors. Because the extraction and implantation of the hair grafts are carried out by taking into account the dimensions of the bald area. The dimensions of the bald area help you to estimate that what will be the average cost will be.
The stratagems to help you achieve the flaunting hair results are mushrooming. But there are preponderantly three types of ensuing techniques that are performed the most and are considered more reliable & result-oriented:
- Follicular Unit Transplantation
- Follicular Unit Extraction
- Bio Follicular Unit Extraction
The location of the clinic
We can understand this factor by relating it with a real-life example. Whenever we visit a restaurant that is situated in the main market, the rates are always high for the same dishes which are offered by the restaurant situated outside the main market area. This is the main reason the items in malls are expensive. Therefore, we can conclude that if the hair transplant clinic is located in the posh area, then it is obvious to charge you more as compared to the one which is located in the rural area or the area which is not developed.
Some clinics offer after-care facilities as well which escalated the probability to gain the desired results. If you want to take up this facility then you may be charged additionally. Otherwise this an outpatient procedure. It means that you can go home the same day after you have regained sense in the wake of the completion of the procedure.
Some hair transplant clinics are out there which offers shampoos, oils, combs and serums made in their clinic with supervision. If you opt to use the specialised products only after the procedure, then the final cost will come up correspondingly.
If you decide to visit VJ Healthcare Clinic, then we are sure to provide you with the best deal of services along with the appropriate cost package.