Cool sculpting VS Liposuction
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Difference Between Cool Sculpting and Liposuction: Dr. C. Vijay Kumar



Dr. C. Vijay Kumar: In cool sculpting, no recovery time is mandatory. It takes around one hour to complete one session. If you want to achieve better results, then you have to take some more sessions over several weeks. You are going to notice beginning outcomes of the first session soon. Some masses observe the complete outcomes of this procedure in around three months after their last session of the procedure.

CoolSculpting procedure:

CoolSculpting is explained as a non-invasive treatment which is also called cryolipolysis. In this procedure, the doctor determinates the extra fat cells from the bottom of skin without any surgery. During the session of Cool Sculpting, surgeon prefers the specific equipment which clinches down and cools the fat roll at certain freezing temperature. After the treatment, the body of the patient destroys the dead fat cells and frozen cells through the liver naturally. The final results appear in front of the patient within a few months after treatment.

CoolSculpting is explained as a nonsurgical procedure that means surgeons are going to perform recovery without any cutting, stitching and anesthetizing.


Most individuals prefer only one session of this procedure to see the desired consequences. Surgeons take approximately 2 hours to perform surgery and the surgery time depends upon the size of the treated area. Surgeons perform this surgery as day procedure that is an outpatient procedure. The patients is going to recover in normally few days. For long lasting results, you have to follow all the recommendations and the guidelines provided by the surgeons. It includes wearing of prescribed bandages and avoids physical activities for some days. The complete recovery time includes several months to see better results.

 Liposuction procedure:

Liposuction is explained as an invasive surgical procedure in which the surgeon cut the skin and applies stitches as well as use of general anesthesia.

A surgeon creates a small cut with the help of long and narrow suction equipment, which is called a cannula to extinct fat from a specific portion of the body.

 Comparing Liposuction & CoolSculpting results:-

The outcomes of both the treatments are very similar. Both procedures are used to remove unwanted fat from the specific body parts like chin, arms, thighs and chin. It is not performed to reduce weight. Both treatments are considered to be effective to remove fat. Both procedures can improve the appearance of skin.


  • CoolSculpting is explained as a noninvasive procedure in which side effects are minor.
  • Sometimes patients might experience short-term bruising or skin sensitivity after the CoolSculpting procedure. Side effects get disappear within a few weeks.
  • Liposuction is explained as an invasive surgery that is done with anesthesia. Side effects include clots of blood clots, anesthesia bad impacts and other serious complications.
  • If you are pregnant or heart patient or have a blood clot then you should avoid liposuction surgery.