Having long and heavy hair is a dream of everyone. Everyone desires to have long and healthy hair as it enhances your beauty. However, people nowadays are facing the problem of Telogen effluvium. A lot of people are unaware about this condition. Under this condition, there is sudden shedding of hair, or, in other words, a major hair fall. A person needs to pay proper attention to this condition as it can have alarming effects afterwards.
Causes of Telogen Effluvium:
Stress is the most common thing, due to which, people suffer from so many problems and Telogen Effluvium is one of them. Taking stress a lot results in increasing cortisol level, which results in hair loss. Therefore, avoid stress as it can affect your hair.
Deficiency of Nutrients
If there is deficiency of zinc, vitamin D and iron, then this can have a detrimental impact on the natural cycle of hair regrowth. Hair follicles will not get the essential nutrients needed.
Hormone Imbalances
Imbalance in the hormones such as T3, T4, and TSH also result in hair loss. Thyroid dysfunction is the major reason why people suffer from hair loss problems in life.
Treatment of Telogen Effluvium:
Psychological Care
As due to stress, people face this problem; therefore, if stress is reduced, a lot of people will get relief. People should do relaxation activities like yoga, meditation.
Good Nutrition
Taking a balanced diet is extremely important. Nutrients deficiency is also a reason why people suffer from this problem. Taking a diet containing zinc, vitamins, minerals, iron and biotin is quite beneficial to treat the problem of Telogen Effluvium.
A mixture of vitamins is injected into the scalp so that hair starts to grow again and one can have healthy and long hair. After about 2 months a person starts to see the results.
Tiny holes are made in the scalp, which is known as perforation. This helps in good blood flow and nutrient absorption. In this also, after 2 months, a person starts to see results.
When one starts facing this problem, the hair becomes thinner and weaker. It affects the overall appearance of a person. Even sometimes, a person can lose 100 to 200 hair strands per day, however, there is no sign of redness and scarring.
Although this condition lasts for 2 to 4 months; however, in some cases, the condition can worsen and it can last till 6 months or more than that, then it can be a matter of concern and immediate medical evaluation should be done. Even the production of the hairs reduces. In other cases, it is seasonal like a person suffers from the problem during a particular season and after that comes back to normal condition.
At VJ’s Clinics, we resolve all hair problems. Hair enhances the beauty of a person; therefore, having healthy and long hair is a great feeling. Many people get upset if they suffer from hair loss problems. Therefore, we are here to help you and make you feel blessed to have healthy and strong hair.