Are Fenugreek Seeds Good for Your Hair?
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Are Fenugreek Seeds Good for Your Hair?

What are the reasons behind hair loss in young girls and explain the Remedies?


Fenugreek is an herb with small, yellowish-brown seeds commonly used in cooking and traditional medicine. Surprisingly, they are also beneficial for your hair. These seeds are packed with nutrients that promote hair health. If you’re in search of expert guidance on hair care, exploring the benefits of fenugreek seeds could be a wise choice. If you’re looking for the best hair clinic in Vizag to learn more about how fenugreek can help your hair, you’re on the right path to healthier and more beautiful locks. May encourage hair growth Fenugreek seeds are like tiny treasures for your hair. These small seeds are brimming with nutrients that can enhance the strength and health of your hair. One vital contributor is protein, which plays a critical role in hair growth. Fenugreek seeds are abundant in protein, fostering the growth of new hair. Additionally, they contain lecithin, which provides hydration to your hair and enhances its manageability. May support a healthy scalp Fenugreek seeds are like a secret ingredient for a healthy scalp. They contain nutrients that can help you bid farewell to dandruff and an itchy head. Fenugreek seeds are great for your scalp. They have anti-inflammatory properties that can calm an irritated scalp, and their antioxidants boost blood circulation, potentially encouraging hair growth. Other factors that influence hair growth Before delving into the details, let’s explore the other critical factors that influence the health and growth of your hair when it comes to the benefits of fenugreek seeds. Nutritional factors Your diet plays a vital role in hair health. Nutrients are crucial for promoting hair growth. A well-rounded diet that includes these vitamins provides nourishment to your hair follicles and fosters the growth of healthier, shinier hair. Stress and lifestyle High-stress levels and poor lifestyle choices can harm your hair. Stress can lead to hair loss, so managing stress is key. Avoid harsh chemical treatments, use gentle hair care products, and protect your hair from excessive heat or styling to maintain its strength. Genetic makeup Your genetics play a significant role in determining your hair’s thickness and growth rate. Some people are naturally predisposed to have thicker or faster-growing hair, while others may struggle more. Knowing your genetic tendencies can help you understand your unique hair needs. How to Utilise Fenugreek Seeds for Hair Care? Fenugreek seeds can have a notable impact on your hair’s health, and there are two methods for their use: Supplements You can incorporate fenugreek supplements into your daily routine in the form of capsules or powder. They provide essential nutrients that support hair health from within. Topical application If you are in search of effective solutions for your hair concerns, consider exploring various hair loss treatment in Vizag. Expert professionals in the field can guide you towards healthier, more lustrous hair.

The Benefits & Risks of Breast Augmentation Surgery

Understand The Benefits Risks of Breast Augmentation


Breast augmentation is one of the most common surgeries, with the help of which you can quickly increase the shape and size of your breasts. In this surgery, either breast implants would be added to enhance the shape of your breasts or fats would be shifted from one part of your body to the breast area. Usually, everyone is going forward with such surgeries, but one should be completely aware of the benefits and risks of breast augmentation surgery. Different Types of Breast Augmentation Surgeries There are different types of materials used in breast augmentation surgeries. Let us have a look at them: The first type of implant used in breast augmentation surgery is a saline breast implant. In these implants, you would be able to notice salt water. The next type of breast implants are structured saline breast implants, and these are also filled with salt water, but along with that, they offer an outer layer. This outer layer helps you offer a natural touch to the implants, and they look better. The third option is the most used type of breast implant, and that is silicone breast implants. But, again, if these implants break inside your breast, you must get in touch with your plastic surgeon. Also note that if you are going forward with silicone gel breast implants, then you would have to schedule appointments with your plastic surgeon every month, with which you can know if the implants are fine or not. Here comes the softest feeling breast implant, a smooth breast implant. Although they are costly, if you are looking for a smooth-feeling breast implant, this is the right option. Benefit of Breast Augmentation Surgery With the help of breast augmentation surgery, you could enhance the size of your breasts, which will directly improve your appearance. If you want smaller breasts and want to get bigger breasts, then breast augmentation surgery is the right option for you. Risks of Breast Augmentation Surgery If you are not getting in touch with a professional surgeon, then here are the risks that you can face: You will face swelling and allergies if the implants break inside your breast. As you grow older, you will notice several scars around the breast area because of your breast augmentation surgery. Due to some physical activities, the position of your breast implants changes. Conclusion: Breast augmentation surgery does help you look good, but risks are also involved. So make sure you are well aware of them. If you want breast augmentation in Vizag, then VJ Cosmetology Clinic is the best and most trusted option for cosmetic surgery in Vizag.

A Comprehensive Guide And Brief Note On Long Hair Implants

Our Patient Gets Successful Results at Our Clinic


The skin tone is dependent on genetic behavior. The color of the skin comes from the genes of the mother and father. The behavior of hairs is also dependent upon the genetic material. Many people with dull skin color go for skin brightening treatments to have clear skin. The best skin brightening treatment in Vizag is done at VJ clinics. Nowadays, hair loss is the most common problem, and every second person is suffering from it. Many people undergo the hair transplant surgery process to fill the empty place on the surface of the head. Women mostly prefer long hair. The advancement of medical science makes it possible. What is long hair implant surgery? The long hair transplant surgery is a new addition to the field of hair transplant. The follicles of hair are implanted in thinner places and bald places. It is a lucrative way to get long and beautiful hair.  Reasons for hair implant surgery There are several reasons for Implant surgery. The major reason is the rat race. Types of Long Hair Implant Surgeries There are two types of long hair surgeries: FUE and FUT The robotics FUE transplant is more beneficial. There are several benefits of Robotics FUE transplant, such as the grafting quality is high. You can not feel any pain before and after the procedure. Sort recovery time. Scars are minor in the donor area. Looks like natural hair.  Advantage of FUT Hair transplant The advantages of FUT transplantation are as follows; The cost of the FUT transplant is 7000 US dollars, and FUE transplantation costs 9000 US dollars. In comparison, FUT transplantation is less costly. These amounts are around 600000 – 800000 in Indian currency. Many pages get done for these surgeries. Various cosmetic surgeons perform these surgeries. Surgeries are quite expensive in the world, but the VJ clinics perform surgeries under a budget of 4-5 lakhs. Many people get hair transplant surgeries done because they suffer from different hair issues. The VJ clinic is known for the best cosmetic surgery in Vizag.

Does Insurance cover Gynecomastia Surgery

gynecomastia surgery Before & After Results


Gynecomastia, which is when a male has excess breast tissue. It is a problem that many men have. Some men could need surgery to correct it. It does not go away on its own or with non-surgical treatments.  Gynecomastia  Gynecomastia is a medical disorder that can be started by hormonal imbalance, inherited factors, specific medications or underlying health issues. It may cause males to grow additional breast tissue. This condition can be minor to extreme. Some people who have it complain of both physical and psychological distress. But by having gynecomastia surgery in vizag they can relieve these circumstances. This surgery helps to eliminate extra tissue from the chest and makes it flatter and more masculine.   Insurance coverage for gynecomastia surgery  Insurance coverage for gynecomastia surgery typically depends on the specific insurance policy. The seriousness of the issue and the procedure’s medical necessity. Here are some crucial considerations.   Medical need If you want your insurance to cover your medical expenses, then the surgery must be medically necessary. That means it has to cause physical pain and make you really upset. Suppose you are acute in the chest due to excess fat, and this condition affects your daily function. Then, you need surgery to remove extra fat from your chest. You can consult with the insurer about your surgery. It may cover your surgical expenses.  Proof When you want your medical expenses covered by your insurance policy company, then you need to provide proper documents as evidence, such as photography, medical reports, and letters from professionals that properly explain your conditions and that surgical treatment is necessary for you. You tell your conditions properly to the insurer. They help to cover the medical expenses.  Pre-approval  Before surgery, your surgeon needs to get permission from the insurance company when your surgeon gets approval from your insurance policy company. Afterward, they provide a surgical treatment. If your insurer does not approve your surgeon, they do not start any medical procedure on you.  Cosmetic vs. reconstructive Insurance policy companies might not help as much when they know this surgery is cosmetic or reconstructive. If you want your insurance to cover your surgical costs, you can properly consult with and discuss concerns. When you provide proper proof regarding your surgical procedure, they must help you cover costs but not too much.  Policy rules Different insurance policy companies have different policies. All insurers follow our guidance and criteria for coverage. It is important that you thoroughly check your insurance policy. If you have suspicions, then you consult with your insurer. If this surgical procedure is important, then you can discuss your situation with your healthcare provider.  Costs  If insurance policy companies cover your surgical medical costs, then you have to pay yourself. This surgery fee depends on your situation. You still have to spend money on the bill.Insurance coverage for gynecomastia surgery treatment is a complicated matter. Numerous factors are involved, such as your policy’s restrictions and if the procedure is medically essential. Work with your physician and your insurance provider to determine the answer. If you or someone you know is thinking about gynecomastia surgery in kakinada  and wants to know if insurance can support it, then start to collect medical records and talk to a plastic surgeon from VJ Clinic.

A Comprehensive Guide To Understand Everything About Hair Transplant Surgeries



The skin tone is dependent on genetic behavior. The color of the skin comes from the genes of the mother and father. The behavior of hairs is also dependent upon the genetic material. Many people with dull skin color go for skin brightening treatments to have clear skin. The best skin brightening treatment in Vizag is done at VJ clinics. Nowadays, hair loss is the most common problem, and every second person is suffering from it. Many people undergo the hair transplant surgery process to fill the empty place on the surface of the head. Hair transplant surgery A hair transplant surgery can move hair from one place to another on your head. It is a process that doctors perform to fill the space. It has many different ways to be done. Grafing is the most common way. Hair transplant surgery is also known as hair replacement and hair restoration. Work of hair transplant surgeries The healthcare professional collects the grafts and little pieces of skin. These samples are taken from those areas of the body that have healthy hair. This area is known as the donor site. This area is on your head at the back of the scalp. This area has thickest hairs. The grafts are moved to the hairless parts of the scalp. After healing the transplanted skin, it continues to grow hair. Reasons for hair loss  There are some reasons for hair loss. Hair loss has two types: temporary and permanent. Hair transplant surgeries are helpful for permanent hair loss. The reasons for hair loss are as follows: Steps of hair plant surgeries  Hair transplant surgeries have many steps. These steps include grafting, scalp restoration, flap surgery and tissue expansion.  Risks of hair transplant surgery  Risks under transplant surgery are  Benefits of hair transplant surgery There are three main benefits of hair transplant surgeries are  Many people get hair transplant surgeries done because they suffer from different hair issues. The VJ clinic boasts the best cosmetic surgeon in Vizag.

हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट के बाद रूसी की समस्या क्यों आती है और इसके लिए क्या करें ?

Can Dandruff Cause Issues For Hair Transplant.


हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट सर्जरी का चयन करने के बाद कुछ लोगों को बालों की सतह पर जलन, खुजली और रूसी जैसी समस्या का अगर सामना करना पड़ रहा है तो इससे बचाव के लिए उन्हें क्या करना चाहिए साथ ही ये समस्या क्यों होती है इसके बारे में आज के लेख में चर्चा करेंगे ; डैंड्रफ या रुसी की समस्या क्या है ? हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट के बाद डैंड्रफ आपके बालों के विकास में कैसे बाधा बन सकते है ? हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट के बाद रुसी से निपटने के कौन-से तरीके है मददगार ?  बाल प्रत्यारोपण उपचार के बाद रूसी के इलाज के लिए ध्यान देने योग्य बाते जैसे ; क्या डैंड्रफ होने पर हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट को करवाया जा सकता है ? हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट के बाद कौन-सी सावधानी बरते ? झड़ते बालों की समस्या से बचाव के लिए आपको विजाग में हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट ट्रीटमेंट का चयन करना चाहिए। हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट के बाद रूसी आने पर कैसे करें खुद का बचाव ? सुझाव : अगर आप झड़ते बालों की समस्या से परेशान है, तो इसके लिए हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट सर्जरी से बेहतर कोई भी उपचार नहीं है, इसलिए झड़ते बालों की समस्या से बचाव के लिए आपको वी जे एस क्लिनिक का चयन करना चाहिए। लेकिन इस सर्जरी के कारण अगर आपके बालो में रुसी बनने जैसी समस्या उत्पन्न हो गई है, तो इससे बचाव के लिए आपको जल्द डॉक्टर के सम्पर्क में आना चाहिए।  निष्कर्ष : हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट के बाद अगर आपके बालों में किसी भी तरह की समस्या उत्पन्न हो जाए तो इससे बचाव के लिए आपको बेहतरीन हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट सर्जन के पास आना चाहिए।

भारत में चमकदार चेहरे की सर्जरी को करवाने में कितना खर्चा आता है ?

Skin Brightening Treatment


चमचमाता चेहरा आज के समय में कौन नहीं चाहता हर व्यक्ति इसकी चाहत जरूर से रखता है खास कर महिलाएं। तो वहीं इस सर्जरी का चयन क्या महिलाओं को अपने चेहरे पर करना चाहिए या नहीं या अगर चेहरे को अच्छा बनाने के लिए वो इस सर्जरी का चयन कर भी रहीं है तो उन्हें किन बातो का ध्यान रखना चाहिए, और चमकदार चेहरे को पाने वाली वाइट स्किन ट्रीटमेंट को करवाने में कितना चर्चा आता है इसके बारे में संपूर्ण लेख में चर्चा करेंगे ;    क्या है वाइट स्किन ट्रीटमेंट ?  अगर आप सुन्दर चेहरा पाना चाहते है, तो इसके लिए आपको विजाग में कॉस्मेटिक सर्जरी का चयन करना चाहिए। वाइट स्किन ट्रीटमेंट को कितने भागो में किया जाता है ? इसको तीन से चार भागों में किया जाता है, जैसे – डार्क स्किन हाइपोपिगमेंटेड स्किन है, क्योंकि इसमें मेलानिन पिगमेंट की मात्रा कम होती है और जिसके कारण त्वचा का रंग सांवला या काला हो जाता है और कोई ग्लो नहीं रहता है। वाइट स्किन ट्रीटमेंट में स्किन की इस कमी को इम्प्रूव किया जाता है। इसमें मेलानिन की क्वांटिटी को ट्रीटमेंट के जरिए बढ़ाया जाता है। अगर आप बेहतरीन और सुन्दर चेहरा चाहती है, तो आप इसके लिए विजाग में स्किन ग्लो ट्रीटमेंट का चयन कर सकती है।  वाइट स्किन ट्रीटमेंट का चयन किन्हे नहीं करना चाहिए ! ध्यान रखें : वाइट स्किन ट्रीटमेंट का खर्चा कितना आता है ? वहीं आप चाहें तो इस ट्रीटमेंट को वाजिफ दाम में वी जे एस कॉस्मेटिक क्लिनिक में भी करवा सकते है। निष्कर्ष : चेहरे को चमकदार करवाना कोई गलत बात नहीं है लेकिन हां उस ट्रीटमेंट के बारे में जानकारी हासिल न करके फिर उसे चुनना वो गलत है। वहीं वाइट स्किन ट्रीटमेंट चेहरे के लिए काफी बेहतरीन सर्जरी है, इसलिए जरूरी है की इस सर्जरी का चयन करने से पहले अपने डॉक्टर से जरूर सलाह लें की क्या आपके स्किन को इस तरह के सर्जरी की जरूरत है या नहीं।

What Is Breast Augmentation Surgery and How Much Does It Cost You?

Deciding the Budget For Your Breast Augmentation Surgery


 Breast Augmentation Surgery This surgery is also called breast implant surgery. This surgery is performed worldwide, including in India. This surgery is done to enhance the size of the breasts. That is why many women opt for Breast Augmentation in Vizag. This surgery helps them boost their confidence. This surgery uses various methods to enhance breast size. Consulting the best surgeon specializing in Cosmetic Surgery in Vizag will be helpful. They will explain the effects of this surgery with their experience and knowledge.  What happens in Breast Implant Surgery? This surgery alters the volume, size, and shape of the breast, altering its appearance. “Breast Implant surgery” is the term used along with breast augmentation, as the former is widely preferred by women to increase their breast size. This surgery also uses the fat transfer technique and breast implants to achieve the results. Things to Keep In Mind Before Opting For Breast Augmentation You need to keep certain things in mind before opting for this surgery which is: Get your blood tested. Take medicines prescribed by your doctor for this surgery. Avoid smoking and recreational drugs. Prevent intake of some foods and beverages. Stop taking aspirin and certain medicines, as they can increase bleeding. Post-Surgery Care You should ensure these things after the surgery to aid in better healing as follows: Take the painkillers and medicines prescribed by doctors. Apply ointment or cream at incision sites( if told by the doctor). Clean gauze for covering incision sites. Always wear comfortable clothes which are easy on the breasts. Factors Which are Crucial for the Surgery Costs Technique: Fat transfer techniques ranges from Rs 50000 to one lakh. Whereas the breast implant technique costs around Rs 105000 to 1.5 lakhs.  Types of Implants: Two types of implants are used in this surgery, Saline and Silicone. Both implants have different characteristics, size, texture, durability, etc., which play an important role in cost. Hospitalization: This surgery often requires hospitalization. Hence the cost of admission, discharge summary, bed and room charges, OT charges, surgeon’s fee, and medicines will be costly depending upon the hospital. Diagnostic tests: tests like MRI scans and CT scans should cost you around Rs 500 to Rs 1000 each. Is Breast Augmentation Surgery Covered by Insurance The expenses of this surgery are not covered by any insurance company. They would claim the reason for this surgery to be aesthetic or cosmetic. Side Effects of Breast Augmentation You need to know the side effects of breast augmentation surgery, which are: Soreness and enhanced sensitivity in the nipple region. Bruising.  Bleeding. Swelling. Rare side effects include infection, healing issues, and blood collection in the surgical area, known as hematoma. Hence, these are the things to be kept in mind before opting for breast augmentation. These things should help you avoid any confusion in this surgery. Apart from these side effects, this surgery can have complications that can be difficult for you on a daily basis. For such treatments, visit Dr. VJ’s Clinic for the best treatment and desirable results.

Journey of hair transplant surgery after 3 month

Hair transplant after care


A hair transplant is an advanced technology used to grow hair on your head. A hair transplant is the best option if you have baldness and thin hair. If you want to restore your hair, you can visit a well known clinic for Hair Transplant. It is one of the best techniques available that result in natural looking and long lasting results.  The journey of Hair transplant after three months After the hair transplant procedure, you are curious about how to grow your hair. After three months you can see the result on your scalp.  What is expected after hair transplantation  After three months, your new hair grows on your head. When you get surgery, then your hair follicles start in 2 weeks. During the growing stage, your hairline sticking does not cause panic after three months. It’s visible to new hair. Hair growth is a slow process; growing long hair may take a year.  After hair transplantation surgery, they suffer side effects such as swelling, itching, and redness. It is a growing stage in your hair.  Tips for care for hair after a hair transplant   There are some tips to care for hair after hair transplant surgery  Take a proper diet. When you get treatment, you should take a healthy diet. You can eat those foods which have proper minerals and vitamins. It helps to grow your hair and heal the wound after surgery.  Use mild product  After the hair transplant, you do not use chemical products such as alcohol, sulfate, or other chemicals harsh on your hair. You take a small quantity of shampoo in your hand and gently apply it on your whole hair. Do not rub your scalp after you wash your head. After washing, dry your towel gently. You can wash it 14 days after hair transplant surgery. You can use it according to your hair doctor’s advice. Protect from environmental exposure.  You should wear a hat When you go for a walk or to a clinic. It helps to protect against environmental exposure such as sun and dust. You can spray sunscreen on your scalp.  Massage your scalp  Massage your scalp every day. It helps to increase your blood circulation and hair regrowth. You can use your finger deep in oil and massage your scalp for a few minutes. You can use the oil that your doctor recommends.  Manage stress level  Manage your stress level using those techniques such as yoga, meditation, and breathing exercise. It helps reduce your stress and grow your hair because stress harms your growing hair. Physical activity  After a hair transplant, you can do a physical activity such as walking. It helps to reduce tension and minimizes the infection.  Correct sleeping position  After treatment, ask your hair doctor for a sleeping position and pillow. It helps reduce swelling on your head after hair transplant surgery. Doctors guide you on how to treat your hair before sleeping.  It is essential to follow these tips to grow transplanted hair as your normal hair. If you are curious to know about Hair Transplant Cost in Punjab, you can contact a well known clinic. 

Want To Get Your Nose Corrected? Rhinoplasty is the Best Solution For You

Rhinoplasty - Is it Ideal For You?


Ever wanted to get your nose corrected for aesthetic reasons? Well, your prayers are heard by God. You can consult the best doctors for Cosmetic Surgery in Vizag for Rhinoplasty. Their guidance will be helpful to you. Rhinoplasty is a surgery done to alter the look and functionality of your nose. People opt for this surgery for either aesthetic changes or to facilitate better breathing. People primarily go for Nose Surgery in Vizag for aesthetic reasons. It lets them look good and boost their confidence. Rhinoplasty changes the bone, skin, and cartilage of your nose. You can consult your surgeon, who can explain to you in the best way possible. Why People Opt for Rhinoplasty As mentioned earlier, People opt for rhinoplasty to correct their nose for any aesthetic purpose. They also opt for this surgery to correct any congenital deformities and enhance their breathing. Risks that can happen with Rhinoplasty This surgery has some risks which could be harmful. These risks are: Nose bleeding Infection Bad reaction to anesthesia breathing problems from the nose. Numbness in the nose which can be permanent Chances of odd looking nose Pain, change in color, and swelling on your nose, which can last for long Scar A hole in the wall between both nostrils, also called septal perforation Additional surgeries Noticeable change in your smelling sense. Your doctor will also describe the way these side effects can change your daily life. Preparations to Take before opting for Rhinoplasty You shall consult your surgeon and discuss various things before you go for this surgery. You should know some major factors given below before opting for this surgery: Medical History: It plays a major role in this journey. You just have to answer some questions asked by the doctor. These questions include nasal blockage history, surgeries you underwent, and medicines you take. If you have a bleeding condition called hemophilia, then you should avoid this surgery at all costs. Physical Exam: This step determines what kind of changes should be made. Your skin thickness and cartilage strength are some of the things examined in this step. You must undergo a physical examination to determine the changes you require. Photos of your nose: The physician will click pictures of your nose from various angles. They will also generate post-surgery images of your nose to show you the expected results. Surgeons use these images during the surgery as references. These photos will also be a part of your discussion for goals. Discuss Your Expectations: You should tell your surgeon about your reasons for this surgery and your expectations. They will tell you the possibilities and improbabilities of this surgery. After this surgery, you should take a prescribed diet from the surgeon to get healed soon. Avoid smoking, vaping, and intake of aspirin and ibuprofen two weeks before and after the surgery. They can slow down your healing. Smoking can also contribute to infections. Anesthesia will also make you forget things for the first few days. You will also have moments of slow reactions and misjudgments. Hence, you should opt for rhinoplasty only after you consult the doctor. To become the best-looking version of yourself, come to us and avail the best benefits for yourself.

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