How Fluent is an FUE hair transplant Procedure?

How Fluent is an FUE hair transplant Procedure?

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When it comes to hair transplant, the Follicular Unit Extraction technique also known as FUE happens to have gained more significance than the traditional procedure. The procedure is described as minimally invasive when it comes to combating hair loss or baldness in males and females.

What does FUE really mean?

The Follicular Unit Extraction procedure allows a hair surgeon to extract individual hair follicles from the donor region and then implant them in the bald spot.

There isn’t any linear scar created in the donor region, but rather, there are tiny scars in the form of dot marks. The donor region requires no sutures and quickly heals naturally within two days

Technologies applicable to the FUE procedure

The modern technologies of FUE hair transplant in India are quite interesting and regarded as superior.

  • FUE & ARTAS Robotic hair transplant

The ARTAS Robotic hair transplant is a cutting-edge technique conducted in advanced hair transplant centres. The procedure basically uses the FUE technique, but in this case, a robot performs the hair transplant procedures. The ARTAS Robotic procedure is believed to eliminate any chance of human error that would render the procedure botched

  • The Neograft FUE

In case you desire to restore your hairline with perfectionism, the Neograft procedure is yours. It is a minimally invasive procedure that utilizes no staples or stitches

During the procedure, the surgeon only removes individual hair follicles from the donor region and artistically implants them on your hairline. It results in a natural appearance with no traces of a hair transplant procedure.

The procedure is suitable for men and women

  • Body hair transplant

Body hair transplant encompasses various concerns that include;

  • Using body hair as the donor hair

  • Eyebrow hair transplant

  • Beard hair transplant

  • Eyelid hair transplant among others

These are a bit technical procedures that require great expertise and experience.

FUE Guidelines

  • Much as the procedure offers assured chances of hair growth, you may need to peruse through your hair transplant needs.

  • Consider an evaluation session before any hair transplant in India

  • Evaluate your capability for the cost and post-operative treatment and care

  • Make enough inquiries about hair transplantation

How long will my procedure last?

An FUE hair transplant typically lasts for four hours to eight, but you may require more sessions depending on;

  • Extent of hair loss

  • The number of hair follicles to be extracted

  • The surgeon’s experience

Post-operative care guidelines

  • Follow the surgeon’s instructions

  • Tenuous physical exercises are recommended

  • Follow the surgeon’s instructions during scalp shampooing, sleeping, and styling

  • Avoid sun exposure

  • Eat well

  • Avoid smoking

Describing the FUE results

The FUE hair transplant technique offers natural results, but your surgeon’s experience matters a lot.