Hair Transplant in Palasa | Hair Transplant Cost in Palasa

Hair Transplant in Palasa

Hair Transplant In Palasa

Hair Transplant In Palasa, Hair transplant is believed to provide marvellous results to people who are ageing between 21 to 60 years. Hair transplant in Palasa is a personalised procedure whose outcomes are dependent on the following:

  • Age Of The patient
  • Scalp Condition
  • Overall health
  • Texture
  • The Density Of The Hair

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    Who Can Undergo The Hair Transplant Procedure?

    The patients who are suffering from the following conditions are usually suggested to undergo the hair transplantation procedure:

    • Males Who Are Suffering From Male Pattern Baldness
    • The Women Who Experience The Following:
    • Hair Fall
    • Hair Thinning
    • If The Reason O The Hair Loss Is Any Of The Following:
    • Scalp Injury
    • Burning Of Scalp
    • Some Other Hair Conditions, For Which It Is Needed To Undergo Hair Transplantation
    • Someone Who Is Facing The Pattern Of The Baldness On The Sides Of The Crown

    What Happens Before, During And After The Hair Transplantation Procedure?

    Before The Procedure

    It is suggested to follow all the precautionary measures, ten days before the surgery:

    • The doctor will restrict you to intake the following:
      • Asprin
      • Advil
      • Anti-Inflammatory Medicines
      • Painkillers
      • Vitamin B and E
      • Blood Thinners
      • Herbal Medications
    • The patient should not take any kind of steroids. Also, the application of the cortisone cream is to be completely avoided as it may elevate the risk of bleeding during the surgical procedure.
    • Alcohol should be treated as an enemy as it may worsen your condition.

    The two days before the surgery, the patient should become even more strict with the health guidelines and take care of all the following mentioned factors:

    • He should take an adequate and the sound sleep
    • It is quintessentially important not to apply any kind of hair gel and spray.
    • It is highly important to stop the consumption of all the medications, no matter whether they are prescribed or not.

    During the Surgery

    When it is the day on which the hair transplantation procedure is to be performed, then the patient should not miss taking the prescribed medications suggested by the doctor.


    Make sure you are wearing an old shirt. As the shirt will eventually get cut off after the procedure.

    Here are the instructions which you need to carry out on the day of the procedure:

    • The scalp should be washed. And the mild shampoo should be taken into account.
    • Try to have a light breakfast.
    • Do not consume any caffeinated products like coffee
    • Do not wear any of the following:
      • Wig
      • Hair Accessories
      • Hair Styling Products
    • Make sure to avoid all of the following:
      • Exercising
      • Running
      • Jogging
      • Indulgence in any kind of the strenuous activity

    Commencement Of The Procedure


    Since it is an invasive procedure, the patient will be treated under sedation of the same.

    Note: As we know, there are two approaches with the help of which hair transplantation can be performed. So the use of the technique will be distinctive in each case.

    Did you know?

    The cosmetic surgeons treat the back and the sides of the scalp as the ideal donor area.

    Which Technique Is Most Effective?

    Both the procedures have distinctive advantages. Based on the medical condition, the doctor determines which procedure will fit best in this regard.


    After The Procedure

    Once the surgical procedure is over, you step into the next phase of the procedure. That is “RECOVERY PERIOD”. The readers must remember this fact that it is the recovery period that decides whether the hair transplantation is going to be a huge success or not.

    The patient needs to follow all the below-mentioned post-operative measures:

    • Do Not Miss Any Dose Of The Prescribed Medications

    To make sure that both the donor area and the recipient area do not suffer from any kind of side effects, the doctor will prescribe several medications. You are suggested to take all of them on time and not to miss any of them. Following will be the medications:

    • Anti-Inflammatory Pills
    • Pain Medications
    • Antibiotic Medications

    Do Not Wear Off The Bandages

    To make sure that the incision line and surgical area come out to be cleaned, once the outcomes are achieved, then the patient must wear the bandages for a few days.

    Proper Cleansing Of The Donor Area And The Recipient Area

    Some days after the procedure, the doctor will instruct the patient to cleanse both the donor areas and recipient areas. Make sure that you are not proceeding with the cleaning before consulting the doctors.


    • Please do not make use of the shower
    • Use the Water pouring technique
    • Use the shampoo prescribed by the doctor
    • Do not use the towel to dry it. Instead, use some kind of paper towel.
    • Do not comb your hair when it is wet.
    • Do not use any of the heating techniques to dry or style the hair.

    Which Technique Is Most Effective?

    Both the procedures have distinctive advantages. Based on the medical condition, the doctor determines which procedure will fit best in this regard.

    Do Not Consume The Intoxicating Products

    It is suggested that the individual should not consume any kind of the intoxicating products like the following:

    • Cigarettes
    • Alcohol
    • Drugs

    Consumption of these will produce a considerably negative effect on the scalp.

    Do Not Do Any Exercise

    For a time being, you are suggested not to indulge in any kind of activity that can cause you to sweat. Sweating can lead to the dislodgement of the hair follicles.

    Visit Us, To Know More About The Procedure.