Hair Transplant in Amadalavalasa - FUE, FUT & PRP Hair Transplant Cost & Procedure

Hair Transplant in Amadalavalasa

Successful hair restoration procedure after a miserably failed surgery

We have come across so many cases of the hair loss which are an outcome of the variegated causes. We are getting highly success-oriented results while carrying a Hair transplant in Amadalavalasa. The Hair transplant cost in Amadalavalasa is elicited based on the extrication and implantation of grafts. Following are the important case studies of the hair transplantation. One of our patients whose name was Suresh Khanna has undergone Follicular Unit transplantation procedure once, but he has faced adverse results. When he approached JVC, we thoroughly observed what were the possible causes of his failure of the surgical procedure.

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    We noticed the following points which have caused significant adverse results in carrying out the hair restoration procedure:

    • The number of strips which were extricated was too many as compared to the need for the required number of hair follicles.
    • The patient was not given the chance to consult with the doctor which is customarily known as the Initial consultation Session.
    • The patient was not instructed and guided about what to be done before and after the surgical procedure. Here arises the main reason for the failure of the surgical procedure. The patients were not made aware of the fact that the consumption of alcohol should strictly be abstained from. But as the patient did not have any knowledge about that so he drank alcohol the previous night when the hair restoral stratagem was sessioned to be taken up. Owing to that reason the hair follicles were not able to survive in the recipient zone and they got shed off.

    So how did we treat Suresh Khanna?

    Suresh Khanna, when approached, was very distressed because he was going to marry the following month. And he wanted to enjoy his wedding ceremony with a good appearance of hair. We initially assured him that he had visited the right place. His concern was whether after undergoing one unsuccessful surgery, would he be able to undergo a successful surgery.

    How did we carry out his surgical procedure?

    • Initial Session: We deliberated with him to get him in his comfort zone. Once he felt comfortable with us he told us about his medical history. The medical history is quintessential from the hair restoration point of view. One thing which came out in the deliberation which was a point of concern that he suffered from a heart stroke once when his father passed away. So it was our responsibility to ensure whether he is healthy or not. After undertaking his test we come to know that the previous stroke which he suffered from was out of shock but as far as the heart is concerned, he is completely healthy.
    • Procedure: We took into account the procedure which was used to carry out the hair restoration. So our team of surgeons after a thorough deliberation & discussion concluded that we should use the Follicular unit extraction. It is because of the reason that excessive strips were extricating from the scalp. Extraction of more strips will cause adverse effects in the predominant form of scars.
    • Aftercare: We made him cautious about the importance of after-care. He followed all the necessary precautions which were vital for the healthy survival of the hair follicles for at least a month.

    One final Word

    Now Suresh has got married. He visited us again not to complain but felicitating us for carrying out the successful surgery. We were glad to know that we have built one more strong relationship with one of our patients. The feedback of our patient is what keeps us motivated to bring about results in the best and efficient possible way.

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